The Darkest Of Three - Mini - It's Always Been You- Part Two

#TrueLove –
     It had been days since I really sat down to write again, I couldn’t find the time because my head was spinning from the love I was in.  It seemed like the days weren’t long enough in my eyes and in my heart. My heart finally opened up from the blackened hole I was in and escaped into a world of wonder. It was a late November night, raining still as usual, when I grabbed my pen and diary and sat down grabbing my blanket curling up getting warm and cozy next to the window on my sill. I buried myself into the blanket sticking out my head with my arms and legs barely visible. I bit my inner cheek as I tapped the empty paper with my pen sighing for just a moment closing my eyes.

     By this time my thoughts were everywhere and I had so much I wanted to write, but the words were jumbled in my head swirling around into nonsense. I wanted everything to be perfect, I wanted the thoughts to be exactly what and who he was. It was all about Him and how much he meant to me. The promises in my heart and soul I couldn’t keep in. I set down the diary and got comfortable leaning over on the window sill, one hand bent at my elbow my head resting on my palm while the other hand was now on the diary resting there as I looked out my window smiling at all the colors that the sunset was creating illuminating through my room. The colors reminded me just how much life meant to me now. It wasn’t just him creating this feeling for me; it was the fact that I finally felt happy. I finally felt something in myself that I had never really felt before. He brought out something in me that set a match to the fuel creating a flame inside me that burned so bright shining up even the darkest of rooms.

     I couldn’t help but smile in that moment looking at the trees blow through the wind and the leaves falling as fall set in and winter was coming just around the corner. I smiled at the thought of snow fights and the holidays bringing out the best in me. I smiled about how much I wanted to do for him and making this the best time for us. I brought the pen to my dainty plump lips and bit down on the end thinking of where to start. Looking down with my baby blue eyes upon my hand as my fair skin shined from the sun I brought the pen down to the paper and filled it with so much that I thought my pen was going to run out before I was even done.

   Dear Diary,

   I’m his and he is mine. First let me tell you all about him. He has these eyes that just illuminate my heart and bring me to smile this cheesy kind of smile. Not one of those
ordinary ones but one of those kind of smiles that you don’t realize you are even doing it and when you finally do you look like a complete dork smiling from ear to ear that seems like you were for probably hours on end. Now back on his eyes. Those eyes, they sparkle and just make you want him more and more. From those eyes you look down and his cute nose that I love to lick, yes he made me a licker. Wait that sounds dirty (brings the pen up to my lips and laughs as I read what I write and brings the pen back down) oh hell yes I love to lick him. Then that brings me down to his lips (I shake a bit in my covers and turn bright red as I write thinking of those lips) his lips taste good, look good, feel good, and are good. The way he speaks with his demeanor makes me want to jump out of my skin in a good way. His body, that body makes you want to do things, no not just what you all are thinking. Dirty minds. It makes you want to let loose and enjoy life to the fullest. His whole self makes you want to be the best you can be not just for him but for yourself too. His name you may be asking, you may be wanting to know those juicy details dearest diary. Well I’m going to tell you. His name is Drake Valentine. Yup the one the only, the amazing, sexy, loving, fabulous, man Drake Valentine. He is incredible. 

     Now Diary, I know what you are thinking. He’s one of the hot eligible, rich, also very cocky and a bit rude in ways from my town, and of course even I was thinking how could he want me. I am just a plain girl, now going to college trying to work full time at the same time and we both know that we used to butt heads in school, but he’s changed. I’ve changed. There’s just something about him that gets to me. The way he actually shows some care when I am around, there’s just something in him I see not many people do.

    He shot me in the heart with his arrow of love and of hope and of dreams of a life ahead. I would follow him into the dark and back if I had to. I know you may be thinking, dude he’s just a guy. Well diary he’s not just any guy. He is/my/ guy. He brought me alive in a place I never thought I could. I want to be able to be his everything, and I promised him I would be there for him through thick and thin. What’s even more incredible is he’s my best friend. I feel as though I could tell him anything and everything and he wouldn’t judge me. I feel as though I have everything in one man. My best friend, my family, and my one true love. He is the one and I know it.

     We just started dating but I feel a connection to him more than I ever have with anyone else. He came into my life and I thought hey this might be something, and diary it definitely is something more than you will ever know. He takes my breathe away. I feel like life took a turn and I’m on the right path to a future of completeness. I feel like I can do anything and am on the top of the world. We can joke around be playful and have fun. Every time I close my eyes I feel like everything is going to be okay. That even if I am who I am, I know that life ahead means more now than it ever had. I know you might think really a guy had to do that for you, but that’s not the case. I’ve always been okay and been able to look ahead but now with him by my side I feel double the happiness. He has me until he doesn’t want me anymore. He is my best friend always and forever and now my love. Diary this is the start of something and it won’t end here. 

      No more sad endings, no more songs of sorrow. The life that has set before me is a life etched in stone that only I can create to be happy. He is that other have of the soul that everyone dreams about and waits their whole life, some settling for just plain others still waiting, but me I will keep going and even if he were to leave or I, I know the ride was worth it and he was/is worth it. For finding the strength in myself is the true meaning to finding love, and once I found myself it was a piece of cake from there. Well diary this is the end for now but not the end of me or my thoughts. I’ll see you soon, and this time I’ll have extra pens on hand. Until we meet again, hugs and kisses xoxoxo.

Love always,

Anna Lynn

As I set the pen between the folds of the paper, a song playing in the background “Glitter in the Air,”By Pink I couldn’t help but look out the window a smile creeping on my face as I wiped away a tear; it wasn’t a tear of sadness but a tear of faith of hope of dreams and of love. He gave me something. He made me the best I could be and I knew it deep down. I took my diary wrapping it up on the leather binding getting up slowly as the blanket wrapped once around close me falls to my feet, I looked down but didn’t pick it back up instead I walked over to my bed setting the diary on my night stand. I then walked over to the blanket picking it up and I laid down turning the light out next to me. I looked at the nights sky now the stars shinning bright above and I couldn’t help but smile, for I knew that the days ahead would be the best days of my life, with that I closed my eyes taking it all in and falling fast asleep.

