There comes a time in my life I gotta sit here and think of all the memories
Think of what could have been, should’ve been, would’ve been and all the
But this heart of mine has got to give in
It can’t be something that I’m afraid I’ll sin
I have made up my mind, I am letting go of everything I had and I am moving
I can no longer just be some chest pawn
In your little game of lies and deceit
I can’t let my heart be beat
I’m not just gonna just sit in line while you pick what’s wrong or right
Because there comes a time in my life I have to give up the fight
I won’t let this heart of mine bleed
While I wait to be freed
This is a little taste from me to you
I don’t need to sit here trying to come with why I am feeling blue
This time I will let my voice be heard
Each and every word
Trust me I will regret nothing
Its time I stand up and just say something
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