The Beauty of A Monster- Chapter Three
My boyfriend was named Xavier. He was my age and the star football player. I met him in the beginning of the school year and as soon as we met things just clicked and I knew he was the one. He was everything all the girls ever wanted. Tall, gorgeous smile, beautiful eyes that would make my heart melt; my nick name for him was jack and mine was ace. We together made Jace. I loved him with all who I was all I could be. I knew at such a young age everyone always told me how could we know love so young but our hearts were as one and we just knew it was meant to be. We knew each other inside out... He’d pick me up constantly so I wouldn’t have to hear the fighting amongst both my parents’ day and night; he hated me being around such hatred. He wanted to know I was safe and safe with him. Constantly telling me I was loved and nothing and no one could come between us like how my parents are together. He told me I was forever his.
He’d take me to our spot. We had this spot
on the beach near the woods that I lived near and wed always go there to get
away. We had our built up tent right on beach. Wed talk our ears off to each
other amongst other things *I blushed* I wasn’t a virgin that was for sure. He
took that from me and we even talked about getting married after high school
was over. But now with this information I didn’t know if he could handle me
staying 18 for the rest of my life while he grew older.
I called and text him in a state of hurt
and loss and he came as quick as the wind could take him. He took me to our
spot and I broke down I told him everything and all he could do was laugh and
lift my chin. “I know what you are jace” “you do?” I couldn’t believe my ears
of what I was hearing he laughed again. I smiled at his laugh it always made me
feel safe. “Yes Rory I do, I’ve known since we met. I too am a werewolf” when
he said those words I was shocked but at the same time relieved. I tackled
hugged him and couldn’t take my hands off him. That night I spent it with him.
When we woke all I could do was look at
him sleep and look at my ring. His cell phone went off and he got up quick. Not
understanding why he was in such a panic but he answered and put on his jeans
walking out the tent. He walked down the beach and he looked happy and almost looked
like he was flirting on the phone but I brushed it off and walked up to him
coming in for a hug. When I hugged him from behind he quickly said his goodbye
and what I thought was I love you too and hung up and hugged me back. I asked
who he was talking too
and quickly he said “my mom don’t worry” he then pushed me off and walked off. I had this feeling he wasn’t telling me truth but since I met him he’s never lied to me, or the more I thought about it from what I believed he never lied to me. I walked back to tent and he was already dressed and looked annoyed he told me to get dressed and he’d take me back home. I questioned his attitude but did I was told and we hopped in his truck. The whole ride to my house it was silent. I couldn’t shake the feeling something was off. I even started tearing up. We had just had the best day and night and now it felt dark. Like something was on his mind and he wasn’t telling me. He pulled up to my house and I tried going in for a kiss good bye he hesitated and pecked me again it shattered my heart like something was wrong “ what’s wrong” I asked “nothing!” he huffed and opened my door frustrated “ why do you always got to ruin a good day? get out Rory” I started crying and got out grabbing my backpack “I’ll call you later he yelled at me as he speed off” all I could do was stand there and watch his truck leave.
and quickly he said “my mom don’t worry” he then pushed me off and walked off. I had this feeling he wasn’t telling me truth but since I met him he’s never lied to me, or the more I thought about it from what I believed he never lied to me. I walked back to tent and he was already dressed and looked annoyed he told me to get dressed and he’d take me back home. I questioned his attitude but did I was told and we hopped in his truck. The whole ride to my house it was silent. I couldn’t shake the feeling something was off. I even started tearing up. We had just had the best day and night and now it felt dark. Like something was on his mind and he wasn’t telling me. He pulled up to my house and I tried going in for a kiss good bye he hesitated and pecked me again it shattered my heart like something was wrong “ what’s wrong” I asked “nothing!” he huffed and opened my door frustrated “ why do you always got to ruin a good day? get out Rory” I started crying and got out grabbing my backpack “I’ll call you later he yelled at me as he speed off” all I could do was stand there and watch his truck leave.
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