The Beauty of A Monster - Chapter Two

Chapter Two
     After being born, I knew my life wasn’t going to be chocolate and rose’s kind of love. I knew by the way my mother was already acting things would not be as it was played to be. She played the part quite well, the devoted lover, or the perfect girlfriend to even the prefect mom. Even as a small child the way she talked and acted with me in the scenes with her boyfriends and behind the scenes with just me wasn’t at all pleasant. I didn’t feel the love as a child should have felt, or even felt I was a child at heart merely by the fact the intelligence I had as a baby grew and grew with each passing day. 
   I knew I wasn’t like most kids and for some odd reason my parents didn’t have a problem with whom or what I was becoming. Besides the growing intelligence with each passing day people around me seemed to change, and the older they got as well as the older I got. I thought it was just the normal process and that years had passed and I just seemed to leave behind the people that I would get to know with each passing year thinking it was normal, boy was I totally wrong and I would get a wake up call that would shape my life as I knew it or thought I knew.
      My life flashed pretty fast from a baby to now, even thinking that maybe I was just in a blur myself and a haze that I blacked it all out little did I know that a lot had to do with what I was, in which my mother was oh so dumb to never tell me until the worst possible moment.  I knew of both my mother’s lovers because I was to keep it on the hush-hush and play her “game” to get exactly what she wanted from each of them. One would come by day and other by night. I was to call both my father even though I liked one more than the other.
      I loved Richard he was amazing. Dustin though throughout my childhood was never there and when he was he’d fight with my mom over me and whether I was to live with him or her. She’d always object even though she never wanted me because of the fact if I wasn’t there Richard would get suspicious and her life lie would come tumbling down. I was always so dumb-founded because none of them even had the slightest clue about ech other, not only did my mother have them around her fingers but even the neighbors wouldn’t talk it was like they were under some spell not to pay attention and when my mother told me what I was the picture became clear why no one talked. Dustin always gave me a flipped flop answer about him; I was constantly rattled as a baby. Dustin would tell me one day to hate him and stay away and other days he’d come back saying sorry he’d ever left. It was a constant roller coaster and for the mere fact ever month id grow older and I couldn’t understand it. I stopped when I hit 18. And that’s when my mother decided to explain to me who and what I was and the story behind it all.
      She told me I was half Vampire and Half Werewolf. I couldn’t believe my ears I even thought she was crazy and that she should talk to her shrink. She rolled her eyes and vanished
like thin air. My mouth dropped when she came back and held my birth certificate showing my name and of course hers and Richards; I smiled when I saw his name, but it still shocked me because it showed December 13, 2010. Today’s date was August 13 2012 barely a year had gone by almost two and I looked in the mirror here I was standing here and I’m 18 something in me told me she was right. The kids born around my time were still toddlers barely turning 2 and me I was 18. With this paper it still didn’t make sense.
    She told me to look at her and I did so. “Baby I need to show you exactly who you are and then if you can’t believe the obvious facts in front of you I don’t know how else to prove it” she said and as she said that her eyes grew bright yellow and she started to take shape. I got scared and at that moment with god knows what spend I hid behind couch. That in itself scared me because I never knew I had such speed, but it was speed that was out of this world. More like light speed I couldn’t explain it so that scared me too. I looked over couch and there before me with her clothes thrashed to floor a wolf stood sitting she whimpered at me and somehow I knew not to be afraid. I walked up to her and touched my mom’s long black fur. She felt serene and felt like home to me I couldn’t explain it. She licked me and within a second again turned back to my mothers, a now, naked body. She walked in her room and put on a t-shirt and shorts coming out flipping her hair. “I told you what you are, but you are also half vampire so you have much more abilities than just turning into a wolf. You drink blood you…” I stopped her before she could go any further “I drink what? When have I ever…” she too stopped me and motioned me to kitchen showing me glasses in pantry that looked full of juice and soda but she dumped it on floor in which nothing came out it was an illusion. She then went to fridge popping out what looked like a blood bag and I cringed. She poured it in glass and it looked like soda. She told me to drink. I looked disgusted and about to say no but the smell the sweet smell beckoned me. I grabbed it out of her hand so quick and drank it within seconds. It tasted like sweet honey dew like heavens if they ever tasted like anything. I liked my mouth and the cup dry. I couldn’t believe I just drank blood and o positive at that; looking at the blood bag. My mom stood smirking with an I told you look and her hand on her hip with a matter of fact motion. I couldn’t handle all this I barely could handle knowing my age but all this. I had to get out of here. I had to find my boyfriend.
My week was already a mess as it could be when I was torn apart at the seams it felt like….. I was a senior at Fallen Hills High School; I was a cheerleader on top of being student body president alongside being a part of almost every club on campus and in varsity Basketball, my usual day was always filled to the top of my head. With everything in my top schedule, I had the best of friends anyone could ever ask for and the prefect boyfriend. I was on top of the world, with the groveling of everyone wanting to be me or like me. I was the one people knew not to mess with yet had a little sugar to hit the spice.  So to be told my world was one big lie on top of another I really didn’t know how to react. I had my true family in school and my friends and a great guy I couldn’t lose that I didn’t want to lose that, and this information of who I was just tore me into. The entire time in my head all I could think of was Carly, Proserpine, Xavier and the other guys.
     My cousin Carly was always by my side even though she was older she was in high school with me and the one friend I could always confide in. She knew me like the back of my hand. Her and my other best friend Proserpine knew me like no other. Well them and their boyfriends Kurt and Julian. Our group ruled the school, my boyfriend and all of us were in the in crowd and were the it thing. We were people who others wanted to be, the ones who never got picked last and who constantly would be out every night from football games to dances to just going out and causing chaos on the town. They and their boyfriends always had my back in whatever I did, from going to their house when my parents were always fighting and having sleepovers or the going to the local grille and dancing our asses off. We’d party up the town like there wasn’t a care in the world. We’d always be getting in trouble with the local police department but we’d get out of it somehow especially with the skills we all learned in the year we knew each other. It felt like I knew them for ages like I had an un-breaking bond with each other that was out of this world and I never understood it. Things happened over the year and people broke up but the friendships with me never died. I knew each of them as their own person and loved them none the less.
    I thought I had it all and the perfect life but at the same time it was one huge lie that I couldn’t get over and it was like my world was falling down and I could barely breathe.  The way I was so smart, and could do everything and never be tired. The way I was so good at anything I did and any time I told someone to do something they'd do it without question all made perfect sense because who I was and what I became. The thoughts raced in and out of my mind getting me so dizzy but the one person that I couldn’t help keep my head around was him. Xavier.
