The Darkest Of Three- Anna Lynn's Story Part Two
“Mystic falls had another thing coming and this evil was
only the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Anna Lynn Was here to Stay “

The thought of the good old days made me reminisce
as I walked through the old cemetery. The old graves, some intact others broken
to pieces. Some had these expensive crates and I decided to go into one. I
looked around as there were candles burning as if someone had just left. I
leaned against the old grave piece and slide down the wall. I thought I had
myself figured out but it just seemed to be a blur. It made me think of the
days I actually had a ray of hope to be happy, while others that tore the
insides of me to pieces.
The sirens were
still in the distance as I closed my eyes and tried to get a hold of something
good in me, but the evil just poured out like a pool of blood that gathered for
years and years. I could only remember a day in college it must have been years
ago where I actually felt alive yet not alive. It was a time of foolishness
that only got me deeper in the hole than where I was.
It was cold like
tonight and rainy; maybe that’s why it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was
about the time I had my humanity switch back on, but it was so hard dealing
with feelings even with humanity off now it was hard. I was just a girl inside
that never got to grow up and learn how to be loved or love. I was just a
shadow to my own self and that’s the day I shut it off for good I couldn't take
the uneasy feeling always wondering if I was good enough or if my family would
come back I always had it in the back of my head that it was who I was and I didn't
have to try hard. I was evil down right pure evil. I sat back and took out a bottle I stuck away
for just this time for I knew the hurt and pain would come back some time
tonight, the blood the hate the rain all made me think.
#IntoTheShadows *It
was a cold, rainy, late Friday Afternoon. The rush of finals ending and classes
finally being over made the kids around here high on life, but to me it was
just day, another hour to pass off and try and keep going with a life of being
an immortal and having a life that wasn't really my own, I mean it was but it
was a life that was never ending. I didn't have my family to go home to and
tell them what a great job I was doing. I was the one who got the killed and
Katerina and Kimberly gone out of sight so college was just my way of escape to
get out of the reality of what I was and who I was. I knew one day I would find
them so I didn’t bother leaving this world for I knew that day I would finally
feel whole. So to me each passing day was just like any other, no more and no
I walked slowly through the halls; these halls
never looked as big as they did today. I clung tight onto my books hard upon my
frail chest. Kids were running through the halls with glee passing by brushing against
me as I tried to go in and out without being noticed. Some I knew from classes
others were just familiar blurred faces I might have seen at one party or
another. I looked slowly around as I tried to make out faces but something was
making it difficult, maybe the rush of being done or the dizziness I felt from
everything that was going on in my life, but something had its hold of me. I
smiled as best as I could as some students came up to me touching my arm with
excitement trying to talk about the semester ending and all the parties up
ahead, I tried my best to have the same excitement but all I could do was smile
and nod, no words being able to escape my lips. They shrugged me off not caring
about my expressions that obviously was
a cry for help but only few really knew those looks in my eyes, that could pull
me out of this but with everything I didn't know who to even turn to that would
care enough at this point. I slipped away from the conversation with ease since
I really wasn't saying much and finally came upon my dorm room and searched
frantically for my keys, I couldn't take all this around me any longer I needed
to be inside.
My fingers went in
and out of my purse finding everything but my keys. I looked up as I still
clung my books and looked to the sky muttering, "Why me, Why today of all
days." I let out a sigh as I rolled my soft brunette eyes. I put one hand
on the door leaning forward as I tried
to gather myself, "Ok you can do this you can get through today. “I said
softly to myself. I take my hand off the door and stand straight taking in a
deep breath running my hand through my long brunette hair. I take one more
breath as I dig again in my Purse. As the other arm holds my books hoping to
not drop anything as I juggled it all. I find my keys a second later and I
close my brunette Orbs and mouth, "Thank you" to whomever was
watching over me. I hold my book under my left arm pit we my purse hangs on my
right shoulder And I take my right hand up to the door knob with my left hand I
hold the knob as I slowly unlock my dorm room.
I opened the door and
walked Right away in. The room looked so empty, like a part of me was missing,
and it surely was with Hazel on a rampage. I closed the door slowly behind me
as I turned and looked around. I threw my purse with my books on the empty bed
next to mine. I didn't care now what happened to the books since it really
didn't matter anymore with the semester ending. I walked slowly around the
empty bed. Her bed. Our room I didn't feel the happiness I once felt when we
first went to college. A small smile crept on my features as I lifted my hand to
my lips Chewing my nail remembering that day.. She made me see the truth in
life and the hate I hate I shouldn’t keep and helped me turn on my humanity,
while I helped her with another matter involving her and a long ago acquaintance;
Dario. It was the beginning to another end in my eyes. It just wasn't the same
anymore without her here and I was beginning to slip away again. The smile left
my face just as fast as it came.
I turned to the
window looking out watching more and more students run as it started to pour. I
sat down softly leaning my small frame against the hard wood window sill. I put
my feet up crunching them together as I took my small dainty arms wrapping them
around my knees taking my head hitting it softly against the wood as I rocked
back and forth. I wasn't paying any attention to the student’s outside any
longer. Instead my brunette orbs concentrated on the rain as the drops fell against
the window and with each thud the drops hit against the window my heart broke.
I watched them fall and I couldn't help but see each drop fall and fall like a
tear drop trickling down. Each time my Heart broke as the feeling came over me.
The thoughts Came full force back to me so vividly like it was just a dream but
deep down I knew it wasn't, this was life. Our life. My life. And I had to
somehow find a way to keep it together, but with each passing day it was
getting Harder and harder to cope. The
lives I thought I took, the lives I thought I lost all for the gain of a new
life. What a life at that. I was without a family and immoral. Dario really
knew how to take it all. How could I keep going, how could I keep up this fake
life of happiness. And as always the same question kept- Coming to me in big
bold Letts as plain as the eye could see. WHY?! That word always lingered like
a sharp thorn in my side ripping through My very being, my soul, and I couldn't
shake the feeling that it gave me, and unfortunately my life has always been
set in stone for how I was meant to be. This feeling happened every time u was
alone and got the chance to be in my own world lost in my own thoughts. I kept
hitting my head slowly against the board of the window sill.
I leaned forward
slightly toward the outside looking out hoping I would see her or them, my Katerina
My Kimberly but all I could see was blackness, an emptiness. It was all I felt.
It seemed to love to follow with Every step I took. It tended to try and take
over when I least expected it. I knew it was just raining and the outside was
all the same with Water and mud and students wet from the rain, but the view I
saw wasn't the same and never was. My feelings being torn to knowing why I was
really wanted this so much and what
creatures lurked in the night that I only Thought existed in nightmares, but
now all the nightmares are my reality now. All the aches and pain that followed
my every move where ever I Turned. I couldn't help but close my brunette orbs as
the tears finally came, I didn’t want to be dubbed the whiny one or cry baby When
it came down to having actual feelings and letting it show but I couldn't help
it and that’s when I knew I had to be the cold hearted bitch I once was before.
I know it was unfair of me to think of myself in These unfortunate
circumstances evolving around the recent events with Hazel but I couldn't think
to do anything less. I sat looking out the window for what must have been hours
lost in my own shadowed self when it finally dawned on me. To turn it off…….
The college didn’t
know what hit them after that. I was their worst nightmare. The same kids in
the hall were now all over the walls. Their blood made a decent collection to
their many accomplishments. This time it wasn’t the laughter or voices of kids
happy down the same halls it was the echo’s of screams as they didn’t see me
coming. That year they called it a student gone mad and then killing themselves
right after. The police thought it some kid who was clinically depressed and
shot up the halls, but they didn’t know that the nightmares they thought were
just in dreams were my reality. The blood gave me a rush to keep going and by
the time I was to the gym the same sirens I heard tonight were echoing in the
air. Kids running in fear instead of happiness filled the air. I knew my work
was just finished here and a new chapter was ready to explode from my fingertips.
I got out of there in the nick of time to have the college in an uproar and no
one knew the kid who did it. I wiped my face and changed my clothes of the
blood just to go out to the outside gates and ask what was going on from fellow
classmates that didn’t see a thing. All their own stories from here to there
but not one knew it was me. That day my eyes were opened to a new life, of the
love of fear and violence. The shameful pity upon myself I lay dormant and let
the remembrance of my sisters slip away like it was just a figment of my
The tears began
to fall and I threw the bottle once again, “That college didn’t need me and I didn’t
need them!”. Fuck these feelings I laughed and I stood up I was high that day finally my full potential there was no way I was going to feel sorry for what I did or who I became in the end. I always got all worked up and I always let myself down, I thought I had thought of every possibility and came up with all these excuses. IT WASN’T ME. THIS WASN’T ME I yelled and screamed. Those college days were over. This was the new true me. I left college for a reason the kids didn’t taste right and I just needed a better fix. The war was within myself and I needed it out I needed it gone. I fixed myself up and popped my collar once more. “Anna this just isn’t you, You are a Kingston. Not some foolish kid.” The words escaped my lips and with that a faint voice came out of the crate behind the large grave that was in the middle of the floor. “Did you say Anna Kingston, Anna Lynn?” The faint voice came forward a small brunette the same completion as my own and it hit me like a knife as I was taken back and the same feelings of emotion came over. It was Katerina. My Katerina. And the feelings that lay dormant for years had finally returned with full force#ToBeContinued
need them!”. Fuck these feelings I laughed and I stood up I was high that day finally my full potential there was no way I was going to feel sorry for what I did or who I became in the end. I always got all worked up and I always let myself down, I thought I had thought of every possibility and came up with all these excuses. IT WASN’T ME. THIS WASN’T ME I yelled and screamed. Those college days were over. This was the new true me. I left college for a reason the kids didn’t taste right and I just needed a better fix. The war was within myself and I needed it out I needed it gone. I fixed myself up and popped my collar once more. “Anna this just isn’t you, You are a Kingston. Not some foolish kid.” The words escaped my lips and with that a faint voice came out of the crate behind the large grave that was in the middle of the floor. “Did you say Anna Kingston, Anna Lynn?” The faint voice came forward a small brunette the same completion as my own and it hit me like a knife as I was taken back and the same feelings of emotion came over. It was Katerina. My Katerina. And the feelings that lay dormant for years had finally returned with full force#ToBeContinued
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