The Darkest Of Three - Mini- College Years A New Beginning


It had been exactly a year since I ran from Dario  and finally broke free from his sire bond. He was off on some escapade to even think about chasing after his prized possession yet, me. I met #Tyler on a mission for #Dario as he was trying to get the moonstone and precious #Elena from the Salvatore’s. #Tyler was exactly like me, a sired Hybrid, but the difference was he was a pure hybrid no witch pure werewolf vampire sired to Dario. He was able to somehow run himself from #Dario’s grip and get away in the mountains which is where he and I met in a small clan where people like ourselves met from time to time to get insight of where to go and who could help. He actually was able to help many like our kind, break the Sire that was keeping us connected to #Dario and in doing so we could change at our own will not some stupid moon or do as #Dario told us to.

#Tyler was kind and knew me inside and out, a true friend. My best friend. He told me of a love he had and couldn’t return yet to and I told him of all the evil I was circumference to with the sire of #Dario. I explained who I was what I could do, at first my name scared him. He didn’t know if he could trust me. Pierce didn’t fit well with him or his friends. It was my sister herself that got most of them in the mess they were in, but I explained I was different that yes in the past I was worse. Much worse in fact than her but I wanted to break free from evil. I wanted my own life to do what I desired not what others wanted of me to do for them. I wanted a life of freedom and of kindness. From the time I was born all I was ever shown was evil in this world. I myself have given into that evil. I wanted to show the world a new side of a pierce. What being a Augistine could stand for.

With that speech something inside #Tyler must have been convincing enough for him to trust me. He
was able to show me a way to break the bond, though very painful and excruciating it took time and effort put in. It was just like a blink of an eye and then I was cured I had to have patience and I was willing to do it just to have the freedom I always wanted. It took weeks but I was finally free. I stayed a while to help #Tyler help teach on comers and my humanity was restored to love and care for people as my own. A family unit, but once #Tyler got word of his presence needed in another clan it was only my turn to take leave as well. It was only right to break free and set out and see what life could have in store for me. A new healthy life. I didn’t know if I could do it but I was willing to try anything. With a goodbye to my friends and #Tyler I gathered my stuff what little I had to my own and set forth on a new life.

I didn’t let on in my trading’s with #Tyler that over the years with #Dario I had invested a lot of money not only in  businesses that I knew would strive well over into hundred’s of years but what would also make me money. Even when the era of the stock market came I followed my lead and placed bids of things I had a gut for. Well over the years now into the millennium I was well over 2.5 billion dollars. I knew how to save and not to spend unlike my successor #Dario who flaunted his earnings and bought even a nice little spot of land in New Orleans.

I wanted my money for safe keeping, so even when #Dario asked if I made anything I knew the right words to say when it came up. “Oh you know how the stock market goes you win some you lose some and today just wasn’t my day.” He’d always flourish and a playful smirk would play on his lips as he laughed and tease me about how he made such and such on such and such and how I should have listened to him. All the while I was making quite more than he was.

When I talked to #Tyler the subject never came up about money and it felt nice to not ask or tell. You don’t have to like someone depended on money, what matters is personality and chemistry and in our group it’s all that mattered not who made what or did what. We were a family.

I knew I had money but I wanted more in life than just having the money. I wanted to feel like I actually accomplished something. With that my mind was set. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and where I wanted to go. /College/ with a quick step in my toes and my small bag on my back I straightened my hat and put my hair back behind my hoodie. Taking my phone out I searched a good college and thought really hard as I walked through the forest a bit of what I wanted to get a degree in and what was the best of the best to go to. I found a few, Harvard Law, Yale, Princeton all stood out but Harvard really had its potential. I didn’t want to be some rich kid and/or use my powers this time to get in to the big one so instead I searched for a community college first to plant my feet in and then I’d be able to transfer in all the right ways.

I wanted to be normal for a change and not be my supernatural being. I wanted a life of a human not of my own. I was 21 when I was turned and even growing up I never got the life of my own choosing it was always chosen for me. This time it was my turn to do as I pleased. I put my phone away and set out to the nearest community college. Whitmore College.

