The Darkest Of Three- Mini- FlashBack

#TheDarkestOfThree- Mini- FlashBack

It had been years since I really sat down and really thought back to the time of my being born. My time going to the therapist said it’d only help my fear of moving forward and my nightmares would cease. I was done running and done hiding from anyone and anything that came my way but the nightmares still never stopped. I would toss and turn at night and it wasn’t fair to neither My BoyFriend nor anyone to put up with my state of mind.

I was staring out my large glass stained window 300 stories above the ground. The largest in the city as I looked across central park and smiled watching all the happy humans not a care or thought in the world of any evil being. They had it lucky. Laughing to myself as I brought my one hand crossing my chest holding my elbow to the other as my hand was brought to my plump reddish brims whispering “If they only knew” I shook my head as I turned from the window.

The sun was coming in from the East shining through the clouds slightly an early morning as the dew was hitting the trees and moms were already on their run as kids played in the park. People were already starting their work day while I was pulling an all-nighter working on keeping this city of lights safe. Birds were singing their songs as the morning air came through my windows hitting my face as I sat down.

I thought to myself why not it wasn’t like I was starting early I was already here all night. I pulled out from under my desk an old bottle of scotch and a glass. I got up pushing my rolling black tall chair away from my long old wood framed desk and stood up taking the glass and bottle to my built in book shelf that stood from one end of my office to the other. A counter sticking out from the middle; I set the glass down to my right  as I look through the next side of book shelf tapping my chin as I was looking for an old book and I threw my hand up in eureka finding it “A tale of two cities,” my favorite book I moved it out backwards not taking it out as it wouldn’t fully because it was built in to the shelf and with a mechanical click the book shelf then with a switch moved slightly and forward revealing a secret room.

I pulled open the doorway to my getaway from everything. From the sounds, from the words, from everyone and anything I just needed my own private sanctuary; a getaway from even myself   . In this room it was full of everything anyone could ever need to escape from even themselves if they needed to. My own private bar, a small bed to lay down when I needed to close my eyes since I didn’t sleep much anyway, a couch to relax and try not to think with a coffee table a few lamps it was a dark room as dark as possible. I loved the dark it soothed me sometimes. Especially with these night mares that pleaded with me the dark somehow beckoned me to return, but I couldn’t not this time.

I walked in and turned a coder on the wall as I put in my code and the shelf moved back into place as it came back to looking like a book shelf in my office. If enemies came this room also played as my security station; I had a door connected to a safe room and another connected to my security office where all cameras were watching every room of every square foot of my office if someone entered. Only two people knew my code and they were never going to tell being that they were compelled not to even under torture even compelled under the strongest compulsion I was an elder in my standings and only an original themselves could undo it.

I walked over to my bar and leaned over my leg popped out as I reached getting my ice fork and grabbed a few cubes placing it in the glass. I poured the scotch as I gulped the first glass and closed my eyes as the taste smoothly went down my throat the old sensation of the taste hit my taste buds like a fire of sweet pleasure. A smirk emerged from my lips as I poured another glass. A small voice in my head said to take it easy but I needed to just let all my feelings out tonight.

I had to remember my past to move on with the future it was the only way I could move on from the nightmares. And it wasn’t like any vampire nightmares. I chuckled. I could handle my own. It was my family, my own family that haunted me over and over. I walked over to my couch setting down my glass as I sat down and looked up at the ceiling as and ran my hands through my face and up to my hair taking my bun out as I let my long blonde hair down shaking my head slowly down as I ran my nails through my head and looked down at the table at the scotch. My eyes staring at the bottle and the liquor as it moved in the glass with the ice. The memories just started pouring back as if it was yesterday…….

-June 1492-

I was 21. Stuck in time. Frozen. When I returned to my village after being banished nothing was the same. People seemed on edge. I was a vampire. I was on edge myself. #Marco had kept me locked away for centuries when I came to him. He made me see the light and not the darkness of how vampires should be. He didn’t want me to be like his evil brother #Dario. He saw something in me, but also saw a gene in me he didn’t want his brother to know of to make me one of his minions. So he made sure I was to be like him and know the right and wrong of the world. He didn’t know how a girl like me would want to be like a monster like him. It wasn’t until I told him of my story he knew exactly what and why I wanted to be as I was.

-June 1473-

  I was born On December 25, 1452 Christmas Day in a small Provence in Bulgaria. It was supposed to be the joyous of times for my family to have a baby being born but instead I was just a meal ticket being born. I was the oldest in my family. As the oldest I had responsibilities to the family not only to take on a family of my own but to carry on the witch qualities we possessed. Everyone saw The Petrova’s as the people to look to but what they didn’t see behind closed doors was a husband that drank and beat his children for their “ungodly” ways in his eyes and a wife that let it always happen and who bought the booze and just kept popping out children for him to beat. She didn’t care as long as she was taken care of and the head woman of the house. As long as she wasn’t the one beat she didn’t have a care in the world and as long as her family was looked at on the outside as the best, she just looked the other way.

I came back here after being banished to get my words out. I wanted to get my baby brother out of there. He took it hard. Theodore was born ten years after I June 17, 1462. I was so happy at the time for a brother. I wasn’t alone anymore and maybe having a brother with me maybe times would be better but I was dead wrong, having sisters didn’t matter they were perfect to him but me I was the oldest I had t be the best of the best I just thought maybe with a brother it’d make things even better for us all. I was barely ten but the rules were always told in my head over and over instilled in my head. “You are to marry who I say when I say” He would grab my arm and pull me left and right just for playing with little boys on the school grounds in the church or in the woods, I was 10 I didn’t know what marriage was nor did I even think about sex at that age or babies for myself but all my father thought about was the money he could get from the family he would sell me off to. My baby brother had it harder. When he was growing up, he was finding who he was as a person. When he confessed that he loved the same gender as well, our father was bewildered and became furious, a godly man couldn’t take this news from his confession, but as a godly man he thought he  could be saved being that Theo was his only son. Occasionally, he would take him into a private room to beat him terribly so that he could eventually change his mind. The screams echoed through the home. I tried to help and even got beat myself.

Our father didn’t care he was as strict as strict could get. At 21 the age I was to be wed, my baby sister was born. Katerina was born June 5, 1473. My father looked at me and as cold as he could be
“maybe she will make us proud,” I couldn’t believe his words. I flew out of the room like the wind as far as it could take me to the nearest pub. I couldn’t take it anymore I was 21 now. My powers full force coming of age the fire in me burning wanting to break free of my father’s grip. He may have beaten me all throughout my years and chastised me and did everything possible to try and break my spirit and become like my poor mother and become a slave to a man but that never broke me instead it only made my hatred for my family higher and greater to get away and seek out a higher power a better life and to come back and break my siblings free. There wasn’t just Theo and now Baby Katerina there was Kasandra who was two years from me and Karrianne who was 2 years from Theo As well as Korrine and Kimberly the twins But those girls never got beat they were always too perfect to my father. It was always me and my brother who were the odd balls out.

I was at the pub drinking a bit as a man approached. “How you doing sweetheart?” I rolled my bluish hues as I was not in the mood nor interested. He was clearly drunk and I just wanted to drink my drink and go back to the hell I had came from and just sleep the night away but clearly tonight of all nights was not going to let that happen. This man was drunk as a skunk and you could smell his reeking breathe from a mile away. I knew he wasn’t going to take no for an answer so I drank my drink fast not thinking about how fast it would affect my human self and paid a few shillings and nodding to him not saying a word leaving stumbling a bit already as I left the pub.

I grabbed my head a bit as I stumbled in the snow. My garments a nice dress as I always wore my best as my mother and father never wanted anything less. I almost slipped when I felt a firm grip grab my small frame from falling in the snow and push me in the ally “Now a lady shouldn’t be walking alone on a night like this.” I opened my crossing eyes as I saw the drunk man’s hands trying to open my dress as his lips were already on my neck. I screamed no and all I heard was a gasp. Looking to the side of the ally I saw my twin sisters walking home from church covering their mouths. “oooo she’s gonna get it when father finds out” “it’s not what it looks like “ They ran off before I could even say anything and then man wouldn’t stop as he finally opened my front dress ripping it as my under garments showed and he chuckled “my my have you grown.” I wasn’t going to stand by and let him take advantage as I knead him in the groan and with one swift kick I saw him hit the ground crying like a little boy. Looking down I went over him covering my front self with my arm “That should teach you not to take advantage of a woman.” I spit down at the man as I looked up looking around for my sisters. “shit”

I ran with all my might praying my sisters didn’t tell my father. My hair was a mess my clothes ripped at the seams. I fell a few times in the snow my body badly bruised. I reeked of boozed myself. I finally got to our cottage my baby brother only 10 at the time Theo a bloody nose already stood at the door to try and warn me to not go in. “sister sister don’t go in her will kill you.” I kissed Theo’s head as I bent down taking the bloody wash cloth from his face and said a small smell waving my hand over his face fixing his bruises “Brother I promise you I will protect you if it’s the last thing I do. I swear I will get you and our new sister out of here with even my last dying breathe” I meant that I stood and held his chin as I stood. “I swear with my life my love” he smiled to me as we heard our father scream out my name stumbling into the kitchen as his eyes met mine. I pushed Theo behind me. “Run” I whispered all I heard was his footsteps running in the snow to the barn.

My father pushed me down to the floor “No child of mine will whore themselves around and live in myself and live and get away with it you hear me.” He screamed as he threw down a bottle and it broke against a counter as he held the other end in his hand toward me. My sisters laughed and giggled in the back ground. “I had a man lined up for you I had plans I…” his words ceased as my eyes glowed a vibrant blue as I started a string spell making him stop . I was on the floor my bod spread out my legs on the floor as my elbows were helping me prop up my hair in my face as I was getting up “No father you had money in mind. I am done! You hear me! Done you don’t own me and you will not kill me or hurt me any more you understand. You didn’t know I have been growing more and more stronger than all of you combined and I wouldn’t test me understand.” I stood as my father tried grabbing his neck as his breathe almost ceased my sisters went to the floor tears in their eyes as I stood smirking my mom flew in the room going to the floor scared and crying pleading with me “Please Kinsley please don’t do this we will stop. Just lease don’t come back” A sly smirk came across my brims

“Your husband just called me a prostitute even tried selling me as one you never stood up for us kids, you treated these girls like queens and your son is scared to death of you what is this family but lies? I am taking Theo and our new born baby sister Katerina  and we are leaving!” My mother stood “No you are not taking them if they leave they will not get their powers,” I was stunned as I stood in place. My mother sighed looking down at my white in the face scared stiff father “If you take them they will not get their powers. Only being of age and with the family will they get the powers.” I didn’t know whether to trust her or to take them I didn’t want them to have the life I had but I couldn’t stay. “I will be back for them” She nodded and I walked over my father and sisters and left.

-June 1492-

That was the last time I ever saw of Theo and Katerina. It had been a few centuries since I had returned. Since then I had learned of my sisters unfortunate mishap with The Mikaelson’s which lead me back to my village. #Marco had this eerie sound in his voice when he told me to come home right away after I was released and was on my own as a vampire. He was my maker but I was allowed to go out on my own from time to time and see the world. At the time of his calling I was away in Eastern Europe Learning more of my Witch history from his mother and learning more and more of spells. She took a fond of me and took me under her wing, as even one of her own. His urgency was not like I had heard before.

He had let me know of Katerinas ’s unfortunate growing up. I knew I had promised to go back for them but after being turned all I wanted was to get more powerful to take on my father to get them back but days became months and months became years. Time wasn’t on my side and I lost track of it as a Vampire. As an immortal you really don’t think of it. I learned After giving birth to a baby girl out of wedlock when she was seventeen in 1490 and my godly father forced her to give the baby up for adoption, she was disowned by my father for the shame she brought my family just as I had once done. My heart sank as I learned of this. I could have saved her. She was then exiled to England, where she quickly assimilated into her new culture and met two nobleman brothers, #Dario and my maker #Marco Mikaelson. This is where I questioned #Dario, he knew of my past and knew of my sister and not once told me he found her. He was ashamed. He said he was in love with her. At first, she was attracted to both of the two brothers. However, she later learned that she was a Augustine doppelgänger and that Dario was planning on using her as a sacrifice in order to break the curse that bound his werewolf side that he never loved her. My blood line was connected to a curse. My blood and in me was a special gene, and I was like him and that was why I was never harmed, but that if even knew of me or I was connected to her he would change me and make me sired to him.  She sabotaged his plan by running away with the moonstone, which bound the curse, and then tricked Rose a friend of hers into feeding her her blood so she could turn herself into a vampire. Because Katerina was no longer human, her blood no longer was a viable component of the ritual to undo the curse. Klaus was so infuriated with Katerina 's sabotage, that she was forced to live on the run for over 500 years as he hunted her down.

I stepped into the village, a cloak running over my body as black as soot as I stepped into the snow. The village seemed too on edge. It was like I was going into something out of a dream. My undead heart raced as I looked around their hearts were racing as if they had seen a ghost or had been through hell and back themselves. A stranger walked up to me putting their hand on my chest stopping me
“Hold it right there we don’t allow outsiders in this village go back to where you came.” I looked up as I pulled back my hood “I am not nor have I ever been a stranger.” My long beautiful blonde hair waved down to past my shoulders as my pale white skin showed beautifully against the snow and my blue eyes pierced the rays of the sun. The man stood back in a gasp and knelt down giving his sincerest apologies as all the villagers came and knelt having their hand to mine. I looked around as hundreds came and I chuckled. “Wow wasn’t the welcoming I was expecting. But um thank you I think?” the man stood “You don’t know do you?” I titled my head “Know what?” He put his hands around my shoulder as I looked around and strangely at him and the people. “What is going on just tell me.” He cleared his throat and took me to my once home. The home was burned the smell of blood still lingered as I fell to the ground and screamed out as tears fell “NO!!!! THEO KATERINA” I cried out scrounging up my fists as I balled up snow on the ground and buried my face as I looked up crying.

The man bent down “I am believe Katerina was banished my love and from what people are saying Theo was seen going into the woods, but I am so sorry your Mother father and other sisters are all
dead.” He held me as I laughed a bit as tears fell not for the others that died but the happiness that Theo and Katerina survived. I couldn’t help but chuckle and the man stood back puzzled and I stood up happy whipping my tears. “Well um I should get going. Have a good day. “ He stayed on the ground as I skipped in a manner of laughing and smiling as I went through the town smiling. My father was dead my mother the sisters I hated all dead. But the two I mostly cared for were alive. They were alive. I walked out as if nothing had happened and turned flipping off the house and that was the last time I entered that village.

I picked up the glass and laid back drinking it as tears fell. My father might have been the worse man ever but looking back I should have been more caring and more loving enough to have done a spell to at least care for the bodies or at least put them to rest. I didn’t even go after Dario for what he had done in fact I had thanked him. Taking the glass to my mouth I drank it gulping it down as I closed my eyes as I tightly closed them. What happened in the next few years would only haunt my dreams even more. How Katerina was with the Salvatine brothers and how I met Drake . That was another story in itself. These nightmares only made me think of myself as of the person I once was and the person I wanted to be today.

I tried to be the best I could be for my little girls but was I really doing what was best? Was I doing what was best for my firm? These questions played over and over. I placed the glass down on the couches back table as I closed my eyes trying to think to myself if this was all for the best or if it was just the beginning to my end.

