The Darkest Of Three- Mini Solo-College Massacre
#TheDarkestOfThree- Mini Solo-College Massacre
Two years went by too fast, but more as a supernatural being. Here I thought I was starting all over but it was just work and more work on top of work. I thought I would fly by in classes but this human life wasn’t all as it was cracked up to be. Two years in and I was struggling. Barely making it. I was passing but barely and I used some magic to conjure up a few A’s and B’s on some classes that with just me alone I was flunking major.
It wasn’t easy. Tyler made it sound like it was a piece of cake. That living life would be fun. This fun? It was a cold, rainy, late Friday Afternoon. The rush of finals ending and classes finally being over made the kids around here high on life, but to me it was just day, another hour to pass off and try and keep going with a life of being an immortal and having a life that wasn't really my own, I mean it was but it was a life that was never ending, but I didn’t have my family to go home to and tell them what a great job I was doing. I was the one who got out before Katherina and theo could even have a life, they were gone out of sight. so college was just my way of escape to get out of the reality of what I was and who I was. I knew one day I would find them so I didn’t bother leaving this world for I knew that day I would finally feel whole. So to me each passing day was just like any other, no more and no less. Looking around at each human, their beats and hearts racing as their pulses grew inches out of their necks beckoning me, begging almost for me to take a taste, just one taste. I looked down quickly as I walked down the halls gripping my bag tight trying my best to control my hungry as kids ran and laughed. It was Spring break, everyone was excited for some huge Mexico Trip.
Myself I was just excited if I could survive one more day with beating this hunger inside of me. Ever since I broke free of Klaus and the sire bond, I stopped feeding on humans altogether and stuck to a more blood bag animal diet. Bunnies just wasn’t cutting it for me. The urges in me, the hunger was taking over. Sure blood bags were great when I /could/ get them but that was rare and far between so I was stuck hunting animals. I was weak in my own state. For over a thousand years I grew on human blood and I was the strongest ever when I was on the kill, their lifeless bodies withering in my grip as I sucked them dry, but that was then. I was changed now. I adored humans. I had my humanity on. All the faces of the past still haunted me now, but the fact that the weakness in me chipped at my insides and tangled me up inside where it was a fight everyday within myself to not break consumed me.
It took up most of my days. My thoughts were always on humans, their blood. The way they spoke, the way they acted. Each part broke me. I even had to request at one point to be alone in my own dorm I couldn’t take it, I had one friend that knew about me and her bed lay dormant but she was gone. She left not a word. She was the one that kept me sane. There wasn’t anyone here that could keep me sane now. Passing more of my friends as they brushed my shoulders screaming out they got their grades and waving at me, I couldn’t help but keep my head stuck in my books and a sickening face crept upon my features as I walked. They gave me this weird look but no one really cared enough to stop and really check on me, instead they went about their college screaming and ran through the halls.
I couldn’t take it. My head was spinning, I wanted to break at this moment. It wasn’t like any other feeling. I couldn’t. I was almost done here, I just needed a few more months and I could graduate and transfer to Harvard, there I could study harder and get my degree and become a lawyer and possibly run my own business, its what I always wanted more than anything in the world. To be on my own and be free of everyone and anything. But this hunger was about to beat me in my place.
I hurried passed people, even pushing some. One girl hit into another, which in turn caused another going into a wall. I didn’t care as the faces they made only made me angry and want to rip into them. I just needed to get to my room. I couldn’t use my vampire speed or I would have, then I would really have an epidemic on my hands. I raced until my heart couldn’t anymore. I finally got to my room as my breathing became shallow.
My hands trembled as I looked in my bag for my keys. I couldn’t take it. I leaned my head against the door as my sweat dripped from my face. I didn’t know what this was, something inside me was aching and was ready to explode. The faces were beginning to appear again, yelling at me tormenting me. I cried out, people were probably worried by now. Some even went as far around me as they could. I breathed low as my mouth circled low and I opened my closed piercing eyes. “come on Anna ’ get it together.” I whispered as I looked down.
I tried once more looking through my bag, finally grabbing my keys as my bag fell to the floor. The contents falling everywhere. My books falling from my arms. Papers scattered everywhere. I couldn’t take the pain. I didn’t care if I looked like a fool at this point. I got into my room ripping open the door as the locking mechanisms to the door ripped open and wood pieces flew. I slammed the door behind me as I didn’t care what I had dropped outside the door.
The room looked so empty, like a part of me was missing, and it surely was with my friend gone that knew about me, I had no one. No family, Tyler wasn’t here. Dario was looking for me. I was dead to everyoneI walked slowly around the empty bed. Her bed. Our room I didn't feel the happiness I once felt when we first went to college. A small smile crept on my features as I lifted my hand to my lips Chewing my nail remembering that day.. She made me see the truth in life and the hate I hate I shouldn’t keep and helped me turn on my humanity, while I helped her with another matter involving her and a long ago acquaintance; Dario. It was the beginning to another end in my eyes. It just wasn't the same anymore without her here and I was beginning to slip away again. The smile left my face just as fast as it came.
This world was getting to me. Exams, grades. Being human wasn’t easy at all. I gathered myself as I walked over to the window sill. A trunk sitting under the sill as I looked over the trunk. Tears kept falling as I breathed. I couldn’t take it. I kept gasping for air as I huffed and blew out an unbearable scream moving out the gems and trinkets on the trunk as I opened it, I pushed things aside looking for a blood bag something anything. I needed it and now. My supply was empty.
I slammed the trunk down shut as I looked up and yelled, “why now?” I got distracted as screams echoed in the courtyard out my window sill. Clouds were in the sky, rain started to pour now, the rain hit my windows hard. Each thud made my ears echo with each sound.
I turned to the window looking out watching more and more students run as it started to pour. I sat down softly leaning my small frame against the hard wood window sill. I put my feet up crunching
them together as I took my small dainty arms wrapping them around my knees taking my head hitting it softly against the wood as I rocked back and forth. I wasn't paying any attention to the student’s outside any longer. Instead my brunette orbs concentrated on the rain as the drops fell against the window and with each thud the drops hit against the window my heart couldn’t take it. I watched them fall and I couldn't help but see each drop fall and fall like a tear drop trickling down. Each time my Heart broke as the feeling came over me.
The thoughts Came full force back to me so vividly like it was just a dream but deep down I knew it wasn't, this was life. Our life. My life. And I had to somehow find a way to keep it together, but with each passing day it was getting Harder and harder to cope, the blood lust the humans around me everything. The lives I took, the lives I thought I lost, not knowing where Katherina and Theo was in the world, as they were running too. all for the gain of a new life. What a life at that. I was without a family and immoral. Dario really knew how to take it all. How could I keep going, how could I keep up this fake life of happiness. And as always the same question kept- Coming to me in big bold Letts as plain as the eye could see. WHY?! That word always lingered like a sharp thorn in my side ripping through My very being, my soul, and I couldn't shake the feeling that it gave me, and unfortunately my life has always been set in stone for how I was meant to be. This feeling happened every time I was alone and got the chance to be in my own world lost in my own thoughts. I kept hitting my head slowly against the board of the window sill. Was it all worth it, was this life worth it.I thought back to the day I asked to become what I was today, and now the lust taking over me.
I leaned forward slightly toward the outside looking out hoping I would see her or them, my Katherina My Theo but all I could see was blackness, an emptiness. It was all I felt. It seemed to love to follow with Every step I took. It tended to try and take over when I least expected it. I knew it was just raining and the outside was all the same with Water and mud and students wet from the rain, but the view I saw wasn't the same and never was. My feelings being torn to knowing why I was really wanted this so much and what creatures lurked in the night that I only Thought existed in nightmares, but now all the nightmares are my reality now. All the aches and pain that followed my every move where ever I Turned. I couldn't help but close my brunette orbs as the tears finally came, I didn’t want to be dubbed the whiny one or cry baby When it came down to having actual feelings and letting it show but I couldn't help it and that’s when I knew I had to be the cold hearted bitch I once was before. I know it was unfair of me to think of myself in These unfortunate circumstances evolving around the recent events with my friend but I couldn't think to do anything less. I sat looking out the window for what must have been hours lost in my own shadowed self when it finally dawned on me. To turn it off…….
I turned as my eyes crinkled under my skin, turning a reddish in color. My fangs extended. I couldn’t contain my hunger any longer. It had been days since my hunt. I didn’t even realize how long until now to the extent. I had been too worried over exams and grades and worrying about being human than feeding my own needs as a supernatural being. And this is where I messed up, this is where my inner evil being came out to play. The voices finally stopped. A sly smirk appeared on my face. My humanity switch was off. And it was time to play a little game with the Whitemore college students. They didn’t know what they were in for.
A knock at the door made me turn my face fast as my lips pursed together and a smirk played upon my features. It was jenny from next door. She was knocking worrying about my state. My things were still all over the floor. She knocked slowly again and her voice was filled with fear and cracked. I could hear her heart beat through the door. I got up from the sill and straighten my outfit and hair putting it in a ponytail. I was ready for my first kill. I needed to feel the taste and her screams echo. I blurred and opened the door. It was a spectacular event. I made sure my existence was wiped clean of the college so I wouldn’t be followed or challenged even by Dario himself.
The college didn’t know what hit them after that. I was their worst nightmare. The same kids in the hall were now all over the walls. Their blood made a decent collection to their many accomplishments. This time it wasn’t the laughter or voices of kids happy down the same halls it was the echo’s of screams as they didn’t see me coming.
That year they called it a student gone mad and then killing themselves right after. The police thought it some kid who was clinically depressed and shot up the halls, but they didn’t know that the nightmares they thought were just in dreams were my reality. The blood gave me a rush to keep going and by the time I was to the gym the same sirens I heard tonight were echoing in the air. Kids running in fear instead of happiness filled the air. I knew my work was just finished here and a new chapter was ready to explode from my fingertips. I got out of there in the nick of time to have the college in an uproar and no one knew the kid who did it. I wiped my face and changed my clothes of the blood just to go out to the outside gates and ask what was going on from fellow classmates that didn’t see a thing. All their own stories from here to there but not one knew it was me. That day my eyes were opened to a new life, of the love of fear and violence. The shameful pity upon myself I lay dormant and let the remembrance of my sisters slip away like it was just a figment of my imagination..
Two years went by too fast, but more as a supernatural being. Here I thought I was starting all over but it was just work and more work on top of work. I thought I would fly by in classes but this human life wasn’t all as it was cracked up to be. Two years in and I was struggling. Barely making it. I was passing but barely and I used some magic to conjure up a few A’s and B’s on some classes that with just me alone I was flunking major.
It wasn’t easy. Tyler made it sound like it was a piece of cake. That living life would be fun. This fun? It was a cold, rainy, late Friday Afternoon. The rush of finals ending and classes finally being over made the kids around here high on life, but to me it was just day, another hour to pass off and try and keep going with a life of being an immortal and having a life that wasn't really my own, I mean it was but it was a life that was never ending, but I didn’t have my family to go home to and tell them what a great job I was doing. I was the one who got out before Katherina and theo could even have a life, they were gone out of sight. so college was just my way of escape to get out of the reality of what I was and who I was. I knew one day I would find them so I didn’t bother leaving this world for I knew that day I would finally feel whole. So to me each passing day was just like any other, no more and no less. Looking around at each human, their beats and hearts racing as their pulses grew inches out of their necks beckoning me, begging almost for me to take a taste, just one taste. I looked down quickly as I walked down the halls gripping my bag tight trying my best to control my hungry as kids ran and laughed. It was Spring break, everyone was excited for some huge Mexico Trip.
Myself I was just excited if I could survive one more day with beating this hunger inside of me. Ever since I broke free of Klaus and the sire bond, I stopped feeding on humans altogether and stuck to a more blood bag animal diet. Bunnies just wasn’t cutting it for me. The urges in me, the hunger was taking over. Sure blood bags were great when I /could/ get them but that was rare and far between so I was stuck hunting animals. I was weak in my own state. For over a thousand years I grew on human blood and I was the strongest ever when I was on the kill, their lifeless bodies withering in my grip as I sucked them dry, but that was then. I was changed now. I adored humans. I had my humanity on. All the faces of the past still haunted me now, but the fact that the weakness in me chipped at my insides and tangled me up inside where it was a fight everyday within myself to not break consumed me.
It took up most of my days. My thoughts were always on humans, their blood. The way they spoke, the way they acted. Each part broke me. I even had to request at one point to be alone in my own dorm I couldn’t take it, I had one friend that knew about me and her bed lay dormant but she was gone. She left not a word. She was the one that kept me sane. There wasn’t anyone here that could keep me sane now. Passing more of my friends as they brushed my shoulders screaming out they got their grades and waving at me, I couldn’t help but keep my head stuck in my books and a sickening face crept upon my features as I walked. They gave me this weird look but no one really cared enough to stop and really check on me, instead they went about their college screaming and ran through the halls.
I couldn’t take it. My head was spinning, I wanted to break at this moment. It wasn’t like any other feeling. I couldn’t. I was almost done here, I just needed a few more months and I could graduate and transfer to Harvard, there I could study harder and get my degree and become a lawyer and possibly run my own business, its what I always wanted more than anything in the world. To be on my own and be free of everyone and anything. But this hunger was about to beat me in my place.
I hurried passed people, even pushing some. One girl hit into another, which in turn caused another going into a wall. I didn’t care as the faces they made only made me angry and want to rip into them. I just needed to get to my room. I couldn’t use my vampire speed or I would have, then I would really have an epidemic on my hands. I raced until my heart couldn’t anymore. I finally got to my room as my breathing became shallow.
My hands trembled as I looked in my bag for my keys. I couldn’t take it. I leaned my head against the door as my sweat dripped from my face. I didn’t know what this was, something inside me was aching and was ready to explode. The faces were beginning to appear again, yelling at me tormenting me. I cried out, people were probably worried by now. Some even went as far around me as they could. I breathed low as my mouth circled low and I opened my closed piercing eyes. “come on Anna ’ get it together.” I whispered as I looked down.
I tried once more looking through my bag, finally grabbing my keys as my bag fell to the floor. The contents falling everywhere. My books falling from my arms. Papers scattered everywhere. I couldn’t take the pain. I didn’t care if I looked like a fool at this point. I got into my room ripping open the door as the locking mechanisms to the door ripped open and wood pieces flew. I slammed the door behind me as I didn’t care what I had dropped outside the door.
The room looked so empty, like a part of me was missing, and it surely was with my friend gone that knew about me, I had no one. No family, Tyler wasn’t here. Dario was looking for me. I was dead to everyoneI walked slowly around the empty bed. Her bed. Our room I didn't feel the happiness I once felt when we first went to college. A small smile crept on my features as I lifted my hand to my lips Chewing my nail remembering that day.. She made me see the truth in life and the hate I hate I shouldn’t keep and helped me turn on my humanity, while I helped her with another matter involving her and a long ago acquaintance; Dario. It was the beginning to another end in my eyes. It just wasn't the same anymore without her here and I was beginning to slip away again. The smile left my face just as fast as it came.
This world was getting to me. Exams, grades. Being human wasn’t easy at all. I gathered myself as I walked over to the window sill. A trunk sitting under the sill as I looked over the trunk. Tears kept falling as I breathed. I couldn’t take it. I kept gasping for air as I huffed and blew out an unbearable scream moving out the gems and trinkets on the trunk as I opened it, I pushed things aside looking for a blood bag something anything. I needed it and now. My supply was empty.
I slammed the trunk down shut as I looked up and yelled, “why now?” I got distracted as screams echoed in the courtyard out my window sill. Clouds were in the sky, rain started to pour now, the rain hit my windows hard. Each thud made my ears echo with each sound.
I turned to the window looking out watching more and more students run as it started to pour. I sat down softly leaning my small frame against the hard wood window sill. I put my feet up crunching
them together as I took my small dainty arms wrapping them around my knees taking my head hitting it softly against the wood as I rocked back and forth. I wasn't paying any attention to the student’s outside any longer. Instead my brunette orbs concentrated on the rain as the drops fell against the window and with each thud the drops hit against the window my heart couldn’t take it. I watched them fall and I couldn't help but see each drop fall and fall like a tear drop trickling down. Each time my Heart broke as the feeling came over me.
The thoughts Came full force back to me so vividly like it was just a dream but deep down I knew it wasn't, this was life. Our life. My life. And I had to somehow find a way to keep it together, but with each passing day it was getting Harder and harder to cope, the blood lust the humans around me everything. The lives I took, the lives I thought I lost, not knowing where Katherina and Theo was in the world, as they were running too. all for the gain of a new life. What a life at that. I was without a family and immoral. Dario really knew how to take it all. How could I keep going, how could I keep up this fake life of happiness. And as always the same question kept- Coming to me in big bold Letts as plain as the eye could see. WHY?! That word always lingered like a sharp thorn in my side ripping through My very being, my soul, and I couldn't shake the feeling that it gave me, and unfortunately my life has always been set in stone for how I was meant to be. This feeling happened every time I was alone and got the chance to be in my own world lost in my own thoughts. I kept hitting my head slowly against the board of the window sill. Was it all worth it, was this life worth it.I thought back to the day I asked to become what I was today, and now the lust taking over me.
I leaned forward slightly toward the outside looking out hoping I would see her or them, my Katherina My Theo but all I could see was blackness, an emptiness. It was all I felt. It seemed to love to follow with Every step I took. It tended to try and take over when I least expected it. I knew it was just raining and the outside was all the same with Water and mud and students wet from the rain, but the view I saw wasn't the same and never was. My feelings being torn to knowing why I was really wanted this so much and what creatures lurked in the night that I only Thought existed in nightmares, but now all the nightmares are my reality now. All the aches and pain that followed my every move where ever I Turned. I couldn't help but close my brunette orbs as the tears finally came, I didn’t want to be dubbed the whiny one or cry baby When it came down to having actual feelings and letting it show but I couldn't help it and that’s when I knew I had to be the cold hearted bitch I once was before. I know it was unfair of me to think of myself in These unfortunate circumstances evolving around the recent events with my friend but I couldn't think to do anything less. I sat looking out the window for what must have been hours lost in my own shadowed self when it finally dawned on me. To turn it off…….
I turned as my eyes crinkled under my skin, turning a reddish in color. My fangs extended. I couldn’t contain my hunger any longer. It had been days since my hunt. I didn’t even realize how long until now to the extent. I had been too worried over exams and grades and worrying about being human than feeding my own needs as a supernatural being. And this is where I messed up, this is where my inner evil being came out to play. The voices finally stopped. A sly smirk appeared on my face. My humanity switch was off. And it was time to play a little game with the Whitemore college students. They didn’t know what they were in for.
A knock at the door made me turn my face fast as my lips pursed together and a smirk played upon my features. It was jenny from next door. She was knocking worrying about my state. My things were still all over the floor. She knocked slowly again and her voice was filled with fear and cracked. I could hear her heart beat through the door. I got up from the sill and straighten my outfit and hair putting it in a ponytail. I was ready for my first kill. I needed to feel the taste and her screams echo. I blurred and opened the door. It was a spectacular event. I made sure my existence was wiped clean of the college so I wouldn’t be followed or challenged even by Dario himself.
The college didn’t know what hit them after that. I was their worst nightmare. The same kids in the hall were now all over the walls. Their blood made a decent collection to their many accomplishments. This time it wasn’t the laughter or voices of kids happy down the same halls it was the echo’s of screams as they didn’t see me coming.
That year they called it a student gone mad and then killing themselves right after. The police thought it some kid who was clinically depressed and shot up the halls, but they didn’t know that the nightmares they thought were just in dreams were my reality. The blood gave me a rush to keep going and by the time I was to the gym the same sirens I heard tonight were echoing in the air. Kids running in fear instead of happiness filled the air. I knew my work was just finished here and a new chapter was ready to explode from my fingertips. I got out of there in the nick of time to have the college in an uproar and no one knew the kid who did it. I wiped my face and changed my clothes of the blood just to go out to the outside gates and ask what was going on from fellow classmates that didn’t see a thing. All their own stories from here to there but not one knew it was me. That day my eyes were opened to a new life, of the love of fear and violence. The shameful pity upon myself I lay dormant and let the remembrance of my sisters slip away like it was just a figment of my imagination..
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