The Darkest of Three- Part Six- The Proposal - A Past Life

Anna Lynn The Darkest of three- The proposal


*The First night was magical and beyond my years, a mere human had that effect on me. He took me for who I was and wasn’t afraid or scared. He wasn’t like anyone else who would normally be running for the hills once the found out whom or what I was. He was different, he took me as I was and didn’t look the other way. He was my escape from the world around me. From even myself, I wanted to escape my supernatural self for just one second of everyday and he made me feel that made me feel like a human. He was my ecstasy that I couldn’t get enough of, and believe me from that first night came many more night just like it.

His touch upon my skin had always made goosebumps and made me go crazy. The gentleness of his hands as he slipped off my dress and kissed my collarbone down my chest as his lips and tongue circled my now hard nipple. His nibbles and play every now and then set me off in flight. I would close my eyes and bite on my lower lip as I arched my neck back as he held me tight in his grip. His hands lowered down my back inch by inch that gave me pleasure beyond belief. Each trail of his lips set me off in every which way possible. The slip of his tongue gave way for endless possibilities. Each night was better than the last and I knew I couldn’t and wouldn’t get enough of his embrace.

He fed my sexual appetite but it wasn’t just about the amazing sex we had, even now thinking about it made me wet, I shook my head as I stood in the kitchen thinking about him and about us. He not only fulfilled my every dream fantasy in bed but also out of bed. There has never been a dull moment with him. He always had one trick up his sleeve each and every day more than the next that kept me on my toes, and made me weak in my knees. A human maybe couldn’t comprehend what it meant to feel and need someone to love, I have loved before . My children were the outcome of a once love that I let in.

Remembering Enzo and how his supernatural being made me frown as he too was a love I once had for centuries. It was different loving Enzo compared to my human love. Enzo could fulfill my needs but he could also disappear and reappear and think nothing was wrong. A human was different they didn’t have the capability of doing that and coming back after years looking the same and maybe having the same effect or even maybe the same feelings. Enzo knew he had a feeling in me; He was the father of both my beautiful girls Kaley a mere year old and Kennedy barely out of high school. My human man had it cut out for a life already ahead of him and I was skeptical if he was even ready.

I stood in his kitchen, wearing just his shirt and my cute pink and black laced underwear. I looked through the papers for anything and everything out of the ordinary as I was always weary of my presence in mystic falls as I sipped on the warm coffee I had made. Sitting down slowly and cautious I always got a text from Katherine making sure I was okay and telling me my girls were okay seeing as she would watch them being at his home nights. I laughed as I got a text from her and she would complain or make fun and even state “why don’t you guy get married already you practically live there, “ * I rolled my eyes imagine me a supernatural being married to a human and him get old while I stay young and watch as my fears unfold him die away with the love I had for him I knew our romance would soon end I just didn’t want it to be yet or soon. I just laughed it off like it was her way of telling me to change him already.

“Why are you laughing my love,” he walked in in only his sweats his rock hard abs as he bent down
kissing my forehead and smiling his blonde hair and blue eyes looking into mine as I looked up and smiling tracing his cheek and smiled kissing him softly. “Oh nothing,” I stated hoping he would merely just shrug it off but knowing him he would chime in and “No what is it,” there It was his usually self not wanting to let it go. I rolled my bluish hues and smirked with my plump brims as I sipped my coffee getting up. “Want some coffee.” I said trying to change the subject but I knew that wouldn’t work. I felt his embrace tighten around me in a huge bear like hug as his lip went from shoulder to my neck biting and sucking, he knew just how to break me. Whispering slowly in my eat as he nibbled “Wanna try that again.” “Alright Katherine asked what date she should mark off in her calendar for our wedding , it was her way of saying that we spend so much time together we should move in my kids should move here and I should change you if we do happen to marry.” I said the last part so fast I drank a gulp f hot coffee as my whole face turned bright red. By this time his grip came off me as I heard his footsteps step back from me and I could already feel the goosebumps on my skin and my stomach turning I didn’t want to even turn around to look at his face I could almost feel his dismay. I almost wanted to cry I teared up a bit as I set my coffee cup down and leaned forward on our kitchen counter and swayed a bit gripping hard on the counter. I shook my head and looked up as tears fell as I looked up at the walls in front of me and whipped my face softly “Say something please.” I said after a few mins of agonizing pain in me I knew I should have lied I should have just said Katherine was being her stupid idotic self and did a joke about how blonde I was with the kids or something anything but the truth.

“How about I show you?” he said almost with a smile in his voice and I couldn’t understand. I sniffed up I couldn’t believe a big bad vampire like myself was crying over bullshit like this. “What do you even mean show me.?” I said turning around in his shirt as it flowed open almost in only my lingerie and tears falling as I threw up my hands and screamed as he was on one knee and a beautiful ring in his hand. “You have got to be shitting me.” Was the only thing I could say and I laughed “ am I on some camera or a show you are joking right?” He laughed and shook his head as he ushered me to him and whipped my face kissing me hard and rough holding me. “Is that a yes,” he said “That’s a hell yes.” I said as I wrapped my arms around him laughing and jumped in his arms as he twirled me. I couldn’t believe it I was his and he was mine.


It could have been anything. The commitment to the life I had. The kids I already had. The supernatural life he wasn’t ready for. The enemies I was always running from. Dario. It could have been absolutely anything, but my wedding day was never the same and I was never the same. My heart was never the same. People change, And I wasn’t going to let a man change me.

*sitting on my bed starring at the little box on my night stand in front of my king bed i knew today was going to be hard. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes remembering that day as if it was yesterday. The day was 50 years ago.*
