Chapter 14-The other side of the story, from my partners Side- Remi and Brennon - Remi's Story

-The other side of the story, from my partners Side-

We Roleplay on Twitter, so to give an insight of the stories Remi has, this is the other side

Remi: @RemiToTheRyan

Storyline with @BusinessTycoonJ  – Character “ Brennon Jackson”

Brennon Jackson- Background Solo: The Road to Becoming a Business Tycoon - Written by @BusinessTycoonJ

::I was sitting behind my mahogany desk in my office, so lost in my thoughts that I had barely noticed my office door open or my assistant walk in. "Good morning, Mr. Jackson." I shook my head and left my thoughts to come back to reality as I fixed my gaze upon Darcy, my assistant, and returned her bright smile.:: Now, Darcy, I've told you a million times to call me Mr. J. ::Darcy simply nodded her head, her smile never faltering. "Of course, Mr. Jackson." I chuckled and shook my head at the never ending argument between Darcy and myself on getting her to stop being so formal with me.:: Well, what do you have for me today? ::The woman before me took the last remaining couple steps towards my desk and set down a thick folder before pointing at it. "Your weekly reports on your businesses, Sir." I pull the folder towards me while giving Darcy a little glare as she knew I hated being called "Sir" but I let it slide without saying anything. Opening the folder and looking over the reports after dismissing Darcy who turned on her heels and walked out of the office, shutting the door behind her. The reports I was looking at was from various executives of my many businesses that I had acquired over the years. Some of the businesses I actually sat on the board and ran things myself while other ones I allowed someone else run but there was no doubt that in the end I was calling the shots. While looking over the reports I found myself growing bored and before long my thoughts were straying back to a time that I was just Brennon Jackson and not Mr. Jackson, Forbes Magazine's multibillionaire business tycoon.

Hi! I'm Brennon Jackson and I was born on August 8, 1988 in Sacramento, California. My father is John Jackson, self made multimillionaire along with President and CEO of Jackson's Tech Studio. My mother, well I never really knew who my mother was as she died giving birth to me and was just another notch in my father's belt. Later in life I would find out that my father only knew about me because he was contacted by the hospital and informed of my birth. Apparently my mother knew that her pregnancy was high risk so she told the doctor before even going into labor that if anything happened to her that my father was to be contacted and told about me. I guess she had planned on raising me herself without informing my father had she survived my birth. I often think about how different my life would have been if my mom did survive and she had raised me.

Once my father found out about me, he refused to let me go up for adoption so he took me in and I moved from Sacramento to Los Angeles where he did his best to give me a good life. Since my father was never home he tried to over compensate by making sure I had everything I could possibly want unless it was his time and attention. With my father gone most days from dawn to the real late hours of the night, I was left home to be raised by nannys and butlers. It was one of those nannys in particular that had saw my natural superior intellect and decided to nurture it by teaching me to read and write before I was even old enough to be in school. At the age of four, I found myself reading the dictionary and encyclopedias, trying to learn everything I possibly could and in my free time I was reading and comprehending books meant for high schoolers.

When it came time for me to enter school my father decided to put me into a private school and I excelled at everything. The teachers quickly realized that I was rather advanced for someone my age and they worked with me on my work, giving me things that were meant for kids older than me. My entire elementary school career was about making friends and I loved the attention they would give me as it replaced the lack of attention I got from my father. Once I entered middle school everything changed though. The teachers stopped recognizing how advanced I was so I begun getting bored with the course work and started acting out. I would rebel against my teachers, refuse to do my homework and I was even starting to become the class clown. It took two years for people to realize what was going on and stop thinking I was just some spoiled rotten prat who was seeking attention. In my eighth grade year one of my guidance counselors had noticed my intellect and advancement when it came to the course work and suggested that I be given an IQ test. My father eagerly agreed and I was tested only to find out that my IQ was that of 163. Just for a bit of comparison for those that don't understand the significance of that, Albert Einstein's IQ was about 160. Immediately I was given a placement test and found out that I was capable of doing college course work and while the school wanted to match me with the work I could handle, they just couldn't see sending a thirteen year old to college. With that in mind they did the next best thing and skipped me ahead to my junior year in high school. I was to finish my eighth grade year up as someone in the eleventh grade and if I passed, I would be attending my senior year at the age of fourteen.

High school was so much more different than middle school. The first difference was I went from being the popular kid to the freaky smart kid that other kids liked to pick on. I found myself struggling to fit in and make more friends, feeling left out and left behind which led to me trying pot and hanging with the wrong crowd. As for my course work, that too changed. I was placed into advanced placementclasses and the work load was a bit overwhelming at first but I easily caught up to everyone and started excelling once again. By the end of my junior year, I had maintained a 4.0 GPA and graduated on to my senior year.


That summer was my first ever party. One of the more popular kids at school that had just graduated was throwing a huge bash that everyone was invited to. My father was busy with work so I had the chauffeur take me to the party and that's where I would fuck myself up. The party started off great and I was having a blast. Kids stopped looking at me as the freaky smart kid and started seeing me as cool so they involved me in activities at the party, like drinking and drugs. When I was offered the stuff, there was not pressure but I didn't want to seem like I was boring or anything else so naturally I accepted. The first shot of whiskey went down rough and burned like all hell, leaving me a coughing mess which made everyone laugh. Each following shot of whiskey went down smoother than the last and I found myself getting drunk in no time flat. Next came a little acid. Everyone was suddenly placing this little square pieces of paper on their tongue and I had no clue what it was when I was offered two of them, but I wasdrunk and again wanted to fit so I accepted them and put both on my tongue, letting them sit there just like everyone else was doing. That was going to be my first and only trip and it was most definitely a bad one. The things I saw and felt haunt me to this day when ever I think about it and is also the cause of my irrational fear of clowns. After I came down from my trip, I immediately called my chauffeur and left the party, never to hang out with any of those kids again.


My senior year started and while the kids didn't see me as the freaky smart kid anymore, I wasn't exactly seen as mister popular either which for the first time in my educational career, I was okay with it. After that party over the summer, I decided that I was going to focus on my education and sitting for my SATs so I could get into a good college. Once again I excelled at my course work and while it wasn't fully challenging, it was challenging enough in the amount of it to keep me interested and focused. The year went by fast and before I knew graduation was fast approaching. I started applying for colleges and with a SAT score of 1550 plus the fact that I was only fourteen and graduating from college, I had my pick of them but the problem was I wasn't sure what I wanted to do with my life. I would eventually graduate from high school with a 4.1 GPA, fourth in my class, and accept a full scholarship with UCLA, my father's old school.


Life was complicated for me at best. Being the youngest at UCLA made it rather complicated and once again I was seen as some freaky smart kid but not in a bad way. More and more people wanted to get to know me and be my friend but I was never sure if they were using me for my Dad's money, my intelligence or whatever else they could get from me. I still hadn't selected a major or a minor and decided to use my first two years to take my general courses and then decide what I wanted to do, but life would throw me a wicked curveball that would push my life in a completely  different direction.

Near the end of my sophomore year at UCLA, I was in my English class when I got a message from the Dean's office to come down there. I left my class and headed down to the Dean's office, not sure why I was being called there but as I entered I saw two police officers sitting with the Dean. At first I thought I had done something wrong that I somehow didn't know about but the look on the Dean's face when he saw me told me something was seriously wrong. The Dean stood up and approached me, telling me that the officers here had some bad news for me. The officers stood and I looked at them, confused and curious all in one, and they told me that my father was murdered during a mugging. My whole world came crashing down and I was completely and utterly shattered. The one man who was there for me through out my life was gone. Sure he was never around because he was working, but it was that money he made that provided the life I lived. I didn't cry or scream or anything, I just stood there feeling numb


The next few weeks I was like a ghost of myself, just an empty shell. I put together my father's funeral and before I knew it the time came to bury him. I still hadn't cried over my father's death. No matter how much I wanted to, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Everything my father owned was left to me, the main house, all the vacation houses we never used, his yacht, the hundred of millions of dollars and even his business. I wanted none of it as none of it was truly mine, I didn't earn it and if there was one thing my father taught me it was that if you didn't work for it, you didn't deserve it. I decided that I would sell everything, all of the materialistic possessions except the main house and even his business. I kept about fifteen percent of the stocks in the business and then sold the rest. Now thanks to all of that and the money my father already had, I was now a multibillionaire at the age of 15 and I had decided what I wanted to do with my life.

That summer I applied to be a business major and I was accepted into the business department with open arms, a legacy thanks to my father. I decided I would major in business economics and minor in business law. The next two years of colleges was interesting as I took all of my business classes and found something I was a natural at, I guess it was in my blood. I focused harder than ever on school with the complete intention of making my father proud of the business man that I was going to become. Once I graduated with my bachelor's, I decided I was going to continue my education in the business field so I sat for my GMAT exam so I could enter a business graduate school. The exam seemed pretty easy so of course it made me believe that I did something wrong as I had always heard how complicated the exam was. To say I was a nervous wreck waiting for my exam results would be an understatement but eventually they came and I was rather surprised by the results. Overall I scored a seven hundred forty six out of eight hundred possible points. My Verbal and Quantitative skill section I had scored a fifty seven put of sixty which I heard it was rather rare to score higher than a fifty one on that section. The rest of the sections I scored well as well and I was in the top ninety eight percentile of those who took the exam that year.

With my GMAT scores in hand and now graduated from UCLA with a 4.0 GPA, I started applying to graduate business schools. My top pick of course was the prestigious UCLA Anderson School of Management and when I was accepted, I was over the moon. I decided to obtain a PhD in Business Economics and Management while I also went for my Master's in Finance. I would later in life come back and obtain another Master's in International Business Law once I decided to dip my toes into taking my businesses internationally, but that's a story for another time. Once again I excelled at my course work but I found the intensity of the work to be a bit more challenging and when I graduated with my first Master's it was with a 3.8 GPA but when I graduated with my PhD, my GPA had slipped to a 3.7.


With my degrees in hand and a shit load of cash that I had sitting in my bank along with my stock in my father's old company that was doing rather well, I set out to buy my first business. I had thought long and hard and decided that I wanted to get into the hospitality industry, so I bought a chain of inns that were about to go bankrupt and renamed them  Jackson's Cozy Inn. I threw myself into remodeling every single one of those inns and making them top notch places you wanted to stay. I developed a membership rewards program that gave you a discounted rate and a few extra perks along with being able to use points to pay for your stays. Once everything was set to go, I hired the best marketing firm out there and they went to work on advertising my inns. At first the inns were only in California but by the time I was twenty six, they were all over the country and every single one of them were thriving. I was making my own millions but somehow I still wasn't completely happy.

Over the years, I found myself wanting more and more. I wanted more businesses and more money so I threw myself in taking over other businesses. Sometimes I would buy out bankrupting businesses and other times I would swoop in and just purchase enough stock in the company to where I now owned it, either way I was building my business empire one business at a time and no one could stand in my way. Before long I found that I owned a finance company, a marketing firm, several restaurants, a record label, several well placed casinos and I even had dealings with a few crooked business men. My portfolio was constantly growing as was my contacts and connections. It was when I was twenty seven that I decided to take my inns international and also found myself wanting to buy a few international companies so I returned to school and obtained my second Master's that Ihad mentioned earlier and by the time I was thirty, not only were my inns nation wide, but they were world wide.

I finally come out of my thoughts and memories of a life that no longer seemed like mine. It was now 2020 and I was just named Forbes  Magazine's multibillionaire business tycoon and one of the top ten richest men in the world. That's who I was now and slowly I was growing my empire, but it never seemed to be enough, there always seemed to be something missing. Shaking my head at that thought, I close the folder and stand up, putting on my suit jacket and heading out of the office. I needed some fresh air.::





--- Storyline:---  With @RemiToTheRyan and @BusinessTycoonJ ---

Hostile Takeover



::I had heard of a fellow businessman passing away, someone that in a way I had looked up to. Steve Ryan was one of the best all around. When I found out that he passed I had called a contact that I had inside of his company, one of his vice presidents, to find out what was going on with his business. I was shocked to learn that everything was left to Steve's daughter, @RemiToTheRyan but the shock disappeared when I was told that at least half of the board didn't agree in her leading the company. This was my chance to move in on the company I've had my eye on for a while but refused to move in on as long as Steve was at the helm. Steve was an amazing businessman and an even better human being but as for this @RemiToTheRyan, I knew nothing about her so I had no problem what so ever taking the company from her. After a little conversation with my contact and a phone call later, I had been invited to a meeting with the board to explain why I would be the better person to lead the company and that's exactly where I was right now. I was sitting in the very chair Steve used to sit at the head of the table, explaining why I was the better pick. @RemiToTheRyan wasn't at the meeting, something I was sure was done by design of the board, and I had every single board member hanging on to every word I was saying.:: Every single one of my businesses always thrive. I have taken bankrupted businesses and turned them into not only nationwide successes but worldwide successes. I'm sure everyone here knows how I got my start in business and now those inns have been raved about as the best inns in the entire world. ::I paused and I looked around the table at the executives who all seem to be nodding their head.:: Not to mention that with me at the helm, you also get the backing of one of the nation's best marketing firms and the nation's absolute best finance firm. With me at the helm, the sky is the limit, ladies and gentlemen. ::I sat back in my chair and looked around the room as all the executives murmured about what I was saying and the differences between me and Steve's daughter. I couldn't help but smirk as I felt like I had just won Steve's company from @RemiToTheRyan.::

@RemiToTheRyan -

*I was sitting at my desk tapping my pen waiting for my secretary to let me know the agenda for the day, it was odd it was taking such a long while when she usually was right on the clock and didn't miss a beat. I had decided to come in to the office today to get caught up I shook my head at the time as I was getting more upset.

Getting up I moved my chair and walked out of my office, looking around.

It was quiet, a little too quiet for a Monday. I walked across my office to my voice president office to ask what was the hold up this Morning with Luann because she was never late.

As I walked in he too was nowhere to be found, it made no sense as I crossed my arms and huffed a bit.

A worker came by holding paperwork as I stopped them, "Rachel right?" She shook her head yes."Rachel where is Johnson?"She looked worried like she thought I knew.


"Ma'am I thought you would be with him in the board room, they are having a meeting."

"A what?" I said upset as I walked towards the meeting board room. I opened up in full force seeing all the board members there with @BusinessTycoonJ, “What is the meaning of this? Who do you think you are sitting in my father's seat, get up right now or I'll have you thrown out. Security. " I said as I buzzed the intercom for my security downstairs, already upset with them for letting some unknown person in my company office



::As the doors to the room busted open, I turn to look who had just busted into the meeting although I was pretty sure I already knew. I arch a brow as my eyes land on you and the second you said "my father's seat", I knew I was right in my assumptions. The board looked at each other, the look of kids caught red handed with their hands in the cookie jar clearly on their face. Well if no one was going to speak up I guess I will have to. I put a smug and sly little grin on my face as I look back at you.:: Ahhhh, Ms. Ryan. How nice of you to join us. ::I point to the empty seat across the table from me.:: Please have a seat, the board was just about to announce how they would rather have me lead this company than you. ::At this the entire board began to shift in their seat, refusing to make eye contact with you, but I was staring you right in the eye, refusing to look away.::



*I stood there in shock as I couldn't believe my ears. First the board lacked my confidence but now they couldn't give me the time of day to prove myself. I was furious to say the least, but as my father always taught me don't just react. Take the time and allow the momentTo settle and compose. I stood here smiling a bit and shook my head* okay you all *pointing to my board* can get up now and leave we will deal with that part later. Myself and this gentleman *I wave in the direction of @BusinessTycoonJ* we will have a talk, but understand this



This company was my father's company and he hired every single one of you to represent him and his well being.


I know for a fact if he didn't see me fit he would not have put me in that seat *I pointed firmly* and you know my father and what he was capable of. He didn't Care in the business aspect of things if he hurt your feelings or not. If he said something he meant it.


He made me the CEO and you better believe I will fight tooth and nail for a company he had passion in. And not let some boy come in on the playground because he wants To own everything and every one.y passion is this buiness. Now board get out


*They were scared, I could see the paleness in their faces go green as they hurried and got their paperwork rushing out like little children past me trying not to push into me as they held their Briefcases to chest and got out of the board room like a bat out of hell.

Since @BusinessTycoonJ was in my father's chair, and I didn't want to cause any other scene I grabbed the chair at the other end of the table far off from him and cross my hands as the last person left. So let's talk. Shall we. Because you aren't taking this company that easily.



::I listened to the little rant that you gave as you dismissed the board from the meeting, my brow arching slightly when you call me a little boy as my smirk disappears and my face becomes completely passive as the board members scurry away like roaches that just had a light shined on them. Once the last person left and you were seated across from me, the last person left, and you tell me we should talk.:: What is there to talk about? ::My grin returns to my face as I fix you with my stare, remaining leaning back and comfortable in your father's chair, a tactic to throw you off kilter.:: It's as you just said to the board. Your father hired every single one of them to protect this company and his wellbeing and that's exactly what they are doing by bringing me in here. I'm a worldwide success when it comes to business and the board knows when they have seen a true businessman. ::Shrugging my shoulders as I keep myself perfectly calm, the grin on my lips turning into a little smirk.:: You have met your match, sweetcheeks.



It seems to me you were only listening to what you wanted to hear. Maybe that's why my father decided to not hire an outsider to run his business.

*Shaking my head* if all you're here to do is play with feelings you are sadly mistaken me for someone who shows them.

I did say My father hired them, but he had it in his will specifically me he wanted running his company.


*I stand as I walk a bit tapping my cheek* come to think of it he even had a small paragraph *I chuckle as I look down and up moving my hand through my long blonde hair* that said Under no circumstances to let anyone have this company. Now I know why he said that.


Oh you *I smirk as I bend over the table* think I didn't know about his protege, he spoke fondly of you actually. And thought of you as a son he never had


But see *pointing up* he didn't Have a son, he had a daughter.


I don't care what you're getting at and wanting to have all the toys in the yard but honey this playground isn't one you wanna step in. You might find yourself deep in sand.


*With that I flipped my hair and walked out of the board room*



::I listen to your words carefully and a little smirk crosses my lips as you call me his protege, snorting just a bit as you continue on. I stay seated as you tell me this is one playground I don't want to step in and you couldn't be further from the truth. I watch for a moment as you walk out of the board room, waiting just a bit to give you a head start before running after you and calling out.:: You have me all wrong, Ms. Ryan. ::I finally catch up and fall into step with you.:: I may have looked up to your step father but I was far from his protege, I was his competitor. ::I had purposely called Steve your step father instead of your father, another tactic to get under your skin.:: Unlike you, everything I have I earned with my own doing, I wasn't given the money to start my business. ::Smirking a bit now as I shake my head a little.:: And as for that little paragraph in your step father's will, we both know that it doesn't mean shit because all it takes is a vote of no confidence from the board and you will be replaced like yesterday's bad news.



Don't you have somewhere to be *rolling my eyes shaking my head as I walk beside you* And you have me sadly mistaken yourself, maybe your detective work is a little bit rusty.

*Stopping dead in my tracks,  I point up matter of factly* I never got money from my father, excuse your words and choose wisely. Even if I am not blood that man was more of a father than you will ever know.

I worked hard for my own firm. Built it from just a all cubical on a college campus to the firm it is today. Without the help of anyone. I refused it. So for you to Insinuate that I used my father's money without experience of my own you are sadly mistaken.

*Going to the elevator now I walk in and wink as I hit the up button to my office* the ball is in your court @BusinessTycoonJ and I am not one to cheat my way into board rooms like Yourself. You may think you talk and walk a game honey but I have been playing ball all my life.


*With that I crossed my arms* going up? If not I am sure you can find *seeing the security now coming up behind you* your way out without a scrape.  Oh *I smile as the doors are Closing* home team always plays fair in the win.



::My brow arches as you mention you had no hope from your father or anyone else and managed to build your business, a little smirk crossing my lips. I realize I've hit the mark when you feel the need to tell me that Steve may not of been your father by blood but that he was more of a father than I would ever know. I could sense security approaching me before I even saw them and I knew that my welcome was coming to an end, at least for now. Before the elevator doors close, I give you a little grin and shake my head a little bit.:: I will be seeing you really soon, Ms. Ryan. ::I was enjoying this little spat between us and for once I felt like I was going to be challenged with obtaining a business, knowing I could easily just go home and buy enough stock in the company to own it from underneath you but preferring to play ball with you at least for now. Once the elevator doors close, I turn on my feet and head out of the building with security walking a bit behind me.::


*heading to my office my heels in toe, people could hear my shoes from a mile away, I could not believe the office was trying to undermine me.

"Rachel," I said to my assistant. "Do not bother me right now, and compose an email letting the board know, their future in this company is on thin ice. There will be consequences. And put they each need to come to me to schedule individual meetings, let's get down to business on why it's me, and not that man they brought in * I wave my hands trying to say his name as she blurted @BusinessTycoonJ* YES! I shouted. That man. Now don't bother me."

I walked in my office crossing my hands as I watched @BusinessTycoonJ walk to his car, hiding a bit to not be seen. I turned to my desk as I brought up his profile to get a read up on him, only knowing what my father spoke high of him but this was quite low. I sighed as his profile picture came up, it seemed like hours had passed, finally grabbing my things to head home.

