Tabloid Tales-Mateus Oliveria - @FatesPunchinBag Continuation on his view of my #TheTabloidsGotMyBluesShowing

“Ignorance has struck again…”
I utter through gritted teeth, as I toss the stack of tabloids across my kitchen island. The fact that a mere random encounter between two consenting adults can be so easily misconstrued with such baseless accusations is beyond me. Authors of such tabloids did have one thing going for them. They were masters of building a mountain of sheer bullshit, and this one was a big steaming pile of it. Shaking my head, slowly as if to dispel the familiar fog rolling in, I down what’s left of my water bottle and get back to the work out at hand.
Stripping my shirt off, I head out to then outdoor boxing area on my property. Stretching, a sudden flashback of that first encounter starts to flood my mind.
As I walk into the new establishment I purchased, I take a seat off the the farthest well lit corner where I am able to see both the incoming traffic and that of the staff coming and going, I am able to gauge the competency of what is already in place. Taking my seat, I sit accordingly for theist view available. As I look up, its as if heavens light was guiding me to someone who too was or is in an overwhelming fog. A tell tale smirk etches across my features as an angelic yet tantalizing creature catches my eye from across the restaurant. With a subtle nod to the hostess as she passes by, I request a bottle of the houses best red wine be sent to her table with a message. The hostess simply nodded with a smile, as she turned on her heels to fulfill my request.
“Sir, I can not accept such an expensive bottle.” She replies as she approaches my table bottle in hand. My hands steeple before me on the beautifully set up table, as I cast a smile her way.
“You should be able to accept it, regardless of price. That doesn’t matter here, nor does it matter to me. It’s simply a kind gesture from myself to you. Wine is a gift to be shared, and as such, I am sharing this gift with you.” My simple yet firm statement gave way to a small sample of reason. I’ve always held the notion that alcohol in its many forms, whether it be beer, spirits or wine, had more to offer ones self then a mere buzz or an overly inebriated evening. It opens your senses to a broader world that few people get to experience, unless guided there by a professional or expert.
I however may not be an expert, but I was no novice either. I appreciate the finer qualities in many things, art, music, food, alcohol and... yes you’ve guessed it... women. I like many others have my proclivities, a tendency or predisposition to certain things, people or places and activities. It just so happened that this restaurant, the wine, this atmosphere and most notable this woman peaked my interest. If ambience were but a mere sound or collection there of, an angelic choir would be singing their hymns of praise.
“Please have a seat and join me, if you will not accept the bottle as a gift.”
[End of flashback]
That simple phrase in and of itself, gave way to a few more dates. Nothing like what the gossip columnists made it out to be, far from it. My proclivities weren’t a lost notion to the world, nor was I. I was known for many things, some not so savory to say the least.
Walking over to the punching bags and my coach/sparring partner, I release my stress the only possible... at this time. As I rain down kicks and punches to the bag, minutes seem to bleed into hours before I’m laying on the makeshift gym floor, stretching out again. Cramps were definitely a different type of cruel mistress no one wanted, myself included. Once through with stretching, I grab my wireless headset, and do a cool down run. Leaving security in my wake, I take the stairs down to the beach below two at a time. The fresh salty air beckoning me forward, as if singing a siren song meant for me alone. Running just a few feet from where the water meets the shore, I tear up the beach. Every lap, my speed increasing, so much so that I’m to the point where my anger wells up inside me that I can’t help but stop mid run and shout out in frustration, irritation and for once a new feeling, one I never thought I’d feel.... a certain green eyed monster, came back into my life to rear its ugly head one more time... Jealousy...
But this time, it was me who was experiencing this vexing feeling. Grabbing my cell, I punch out a message for one of my personal assistants and hired hand.
“Put what we discussed together, leave nothing out and deliver it.”
Just as I send out that message, I pull up her name and call her up. She answers on the first ring.
Her voice a breathless whisper, upon my ears. I grit my teeth and reply.
“24 hrs”
Ending the call I toss my phone out into the unknown, as I lean against a wave break staring off into the setting sun.
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