Tabloid Tales- Mateus Oliveria View on #TheTabloidsGotMyBluesShowing- Remi's Story

Tabloid Tales- Mateus Oliveria - @FatesPunchinBag Continuation on his view of my #TheTabloidsGotMyBluesShowing “Ignorance has struck again…” I utter through gritted teeth, as I toss the stack of tabloids across my kitchen island. The fact that a mere random encounter between two consenting adults can be so easily misconstrued with such baseless accusations is beyond me. Authors of such tabloids did have one thing going for them. They were masters of building a mountain of sheer bullshit, and this one was a big steaming pile of it. Shaking my head, slowly as if to dispel the familiar fog rolling in, I down what’s left of my water bottle and get back to the work out at hand. Stripping my shirt off, I head out to then outdoor boxing area on my property. Stretching, a sudden flashback of that first encounter starts to flood my mind. [Flashback] As I walk into the new establishment I purchased, I take a seat off the the farthest well lit corner where I am able to see...