
Showing posts from October, 2015

The Darkest Of Three- Mini Solo-College Massacre

#TheDarkestOfThree- Mini Solo-College Massacre Two years went by too fast, but more as a supernatural being. Here I thought I was starting all over but it was just work and more work on top of work. I thought I would fly by in classes but this human life wasn’t all as it was cracked up to be. Two years in and I was struggling. Barely making it. I was passing but barely and I used some magic to conjure up a few A’s and B’s on some classes that with just me alone I was flunking major. It wasn’t easy. Tyler made it sound like it was a piece of cake. That living life would be fun. This fun? It was a cold, rainy, late Friday Afternoon. The rush of finals ending and classes finally being over made the kids around here high on life, but to me it was just day, another hour to pass off and try and keep going with a life of being an immortal and having a life that wasn't really my own, I mean it was but it was a life that was never ending, but I didn’t have my family to go home to and

The Darkest Of Three - Mini- College Years A New Beginning

#FlashBack It had been exactly a year since I ran from Dario  and finally broke free from his sire bond. He was off on some escapade to even think about chasing after his prized possession yet, me. I met #Tyler on a mission for #Dario as he was trying to get the moonstone and precious #Elena from the Salvatore’s. #Tyler was exactly like me, a sired Hybrid, but the difference was he was a pure hybrid no witch pure werewolf vampire sired to Dario. He was able to somehow run himself from #Dario’s grip and get away in the mountains which is where he and I met in a small clan where people like ourselves met from time to time to get insight of where to go and who could help. He actually was able to help many like our kind, break the Sire that was keeping us connected to #Dario and in doing so we could change at our own will not some stupid moon or do as #Dario told us to. #Tyler was kind and knew me inside and out, a true friend. My best friend. He told me of a love he had and c

The Darkest Of Three- Mini- FlashBack

#TheDarkestOfThree- Mini- FlashBack                                                          #Present It had been years since I really sat down and really thought back to the time of my being born. My time going to the therapist said it’d only help my fear of moving forward and my nightmares would cease. I was done running and done hiding from anyone and anything that came my way but the nightmares still never stopped. I would toss and turn at night and it wasn’t fair to neither My BoyFriend nor anyone to put up with my state of mind. I was staring out my large glass stained window 300 stories above the ground. The largest in the city as I looked across central park and smiled watching all the happy humans not a care or thought in the world of any evil being. They had it lucky. Laughing to myself as I brought my one hand crossing my chest holding my elbow to the other as my hand was brought to my plump reddish brims whispering “If they only knew” I shook my head as I turne

Road To Recovery- A Vampire's Fight Within- Part Three

#RoadToRecovery – A Vampire’s Fight Within   *breathing in his sweet scent I closed my eyes the aroma had me beaconing for him but something me said not to touch him. He never did wrong by me in fact something inside me told me I was in love with him. But the honey smell just kept playing over all over in my head as I was standing so close to him breathing in his scent. I opened my eyes as he still just stood there. His expression was full of disgust and hurt more of a look that he couldn’t understand how I could end up like this, and a look of confusion alongside a look of car. A care I couldn’t understand how could he care? Care for me after all this. It was as if he wanted to cure me or help me out of this I couldn’t do it I wouldn’t allow it I had to keep going and make everyone pay who hurt me. Hurt him. Hurt everyone around us. But his eyes they pleaded in mine to stop and look around us. As if he wanted me to really see. But he just stood there trying to find the words to


You Say I’m the one mostly at blame When Nothings ever changed its all been the same I’m the one suffering with a broken heart Thinking that maybe some time would help us from becoming further apart Betrayal at its finest hour Thinking that you have all the power I’m bleeding in the middle of no where Broken into a million pieces I say stay, you say no I look back at yesterday and want to let it all go We all believe in love, we all believe in fairytales but is it really out there to find Or does it come undone and all unwind Life keeps reminding me that there’s always where I will fall Whether it be flat on the ground or a solid brick wall I look down at the scars, knicks and, bruises All knowing that’s what’s said and done ceases to cause any lose as long as one chooses I know I can pick myself up no matter what or where I am because of what’s inside of me I choose to let it be free Free from all the hate I

The Darkest of Three- Mini Its Always Been You- Part Three

#ItsAlwaysBeenYou- Part Three- Seeing is believing It was another one of those days and I was so giddy I couldn’t help it. I had a bounce in my step. My sister Katherine couldn’t even look at me she just made faces and rolled her eyes at the passion filled light that I filled in a room. I couldn’t help but have this light around me and a smile that lite up whenever I thought of him. His eyes, his smile. I gathered myself as I grabbed my pen and paper and my blanket as I took my hair and tied it up in a knot and walked to the window putting the blanket over around my shoulders. My sister was already out the door and my mother had already put my kids to bed. I couldn’t help but have a smile from ear to ear as the fall was just settling in and the crisp air was tugging at my features. The sun was just setting as I watched the birds fly out beyond the horizon and the moon was just peeking through the trees. The stars had this effect on me lately that I couldn’t explain, it

The Darkest of Three- Part Six- The Proposal - A Past Life

Anna Lynn The Darkest of three- The proposal #50YearsInPast *The First night was magical and beyond my years, a mere human had that effect on me. He took me for who I was and wasn’t afraid or scared. He wasn’t like anyone else who would normally be running for the hills once the found out whom or what I was. He was different, he took me as I was and didn’t look the other way. He was my escape from the world around me. From even myself, I wanted to escape my supernatural self for just one second of everyday and he made me feel that made me feel like a human. He was my ecstasy that I couldn’t get enough of, and believe me from that first night came many more night just like it. His touch upon my skin had always made goosebumps and made me go crazy. The gentleness of his hands as he slipped off my dress and kissed my collarbone down my chest as his lips and tongue circled my now hard nipple. His nibbles and play every now and then set me off in flight. I would close my eyes and bite

Lows To High- Hazel's Story Part Five- A Past Life

Lows To High- Part Five - A Past life It was hard enough I was made to do Dario’s bidding, but I did it loyally and without question. He was all the family I ever had. He was the only one who never left me and never turned his back not even when his own turned he kept me safe. Some of the things he wanted me to do I had no problems with I did without question. I would kill innocent people. The kill in my eyes the passion it gave me was a high I couldn’t explain, it gave me this feeling no one else could, It was better than love . That’s when I knew when I turned my humanity off the day Lorenzo left me it was the best mistake he ever made. For me. It was hard to leave Dario while he went on his adventures leaving me to do he asked. He always had a plan and knew exactly why he had me do what he asked. Everything had its position and was in place where he put it. He was very mischievous when he did his orders, and knew exactly what he had in mind. That’s why he sent me to the